Thursday, December 18, 2008


Laila is starting to pop on through. I am a fingertip dilated. Dr. Marks was able to feel her head. This was my first cervix check and it's not fun. The doc asked all my concerns...and of course I told him how I am now getting nervous. He is concerned with her being in the 70th percentile that I might not be able to push her out considering how "tiny" I am down there (like you really needed to know that, but when your pregnant you seem to be a little more open with things). This doesn't nessicarily mean I will need to have a c-section, but I think he was kind of preparing me for if I do. He said we will see how everything goes, but I am doing just fine. To bring on labor I need to walk around more and have lots of sex to soften the cervix (no complaints from the hubbie galary). This could help the labor come naturally which is what I would prefer, but if having a c-section is what will have to happen then that's what will have to be done. I do know that an epi will be for me. I feel like I am whining over the pain I am going through now. She will come when she is ready. It's all out of my control and in God's hands. We just want her here healthy. Miss Laila is still hanging in there for a couple weeks though.

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