Friday, December 26, 2008

it's close.

As you may know my legs, ankles, and feet have been swollen these past couple weeks, which has been causing me lots of discomfort. This didn't stop me from going out shopping or doing things around the house. I think I overdid it and really wore my body out. Jason and my family have been so helpful with this. They make me go lay down or kick my feet up to reduce the swelling. Everytime I go to help with anything or stand up they tell me to go sit down.
This Christmas we were so fortunate with the many gifts we got. Laila once again made out like a bandit and she hasn't arrived yet. We feel so lucky to have our family. They help us out with so much. My mommy is coming over tomorrow to literally tear the house apart and clean top to bottom so I don't have to be on my feet. I want everything disinfected before Laila arrives. Jason's mom is constantly sending over food for us. Anything we need our family would drop everything.
This stage of pregnancy is very difficult and I feel worthless. I am not sleeping throughout the night (I can barely roll over without wanting to cry), my stomach seems to constantly be upset, my back kills, I'm breaking out like crazy and its making me feel so disgusting...oh and did I mention I have kankles? Every day that passes you wonder if your going to go into labor. I have one little cramp and I say "is this it?" Any moan of discomfort I make or "owe" sound, hubbie says "are you ok?" He is so good to me, if I want pickles and ice cream (which no I have not craved at all...well not together anyways), he would go and get it. Everything is coming into play now. This too shall pass, and Laila will be here. Then I get to deal with all new experiences...breast engorgement, feedings every 2 hours...I'm looking forward to it, no matter how nervous or scared I am. Life is a blessing, and we are so fortunate. I can't say it enough.

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