Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Celebrating my belliness...again!

Most people don't have showers after their first born, but any excuse to have family and friends together I love. Plus, how can I tell Emelia when she gets older that mommy celebrated Laila's soon to be arrival, but not yours. I have always said I wanted a shower for each of my kids (and yes, we plan on having more). My sister hosted my blossoming baby shower for me on March 27th and she (as always) did an awesome job. We decided to enjoy the beautiful weather outside and have it at the Foxwood Pavillion in Trinity. Besides some wind, it turned out to be a perfect day. We received lots of great things. Not like we needed as much this time around, but there were some things that had to be replaced and of course how can you resist new baby clothes? Even though I have bins full of Laila's hand me downs, there are new styles that I can't resist. Some things we got are Em's new swing from Gramma and Papou, MacClaren bouncy seat from her Auntie, bathtub from Gramma Et and Papa Guy, petunia pickle bottom diaper bag that I have been drooling over from The Little's, and the double stroller we needed from my parents and Gigi (which she knew about before she passed). After trying to decide what I wanted, I went with the new Baby Jogger City Select Single that turns into a double by adding an attached seat. It will be perfect for the girls! We were so blessed with all we got and the great friends and family that came for this special day and enjoyed games, good food, and yummy cake! We still have lots to prep before baby G #2 arrives. Before we know it there will be a sweet cry echoing through our house again.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Springtime and Laila updates!

Thank goodness for the nice weather because Laila is totally smitten with being outside. I think she is ready for some camping trips. She wants to be wherever there is dirt and sunshine, even when it's raining she wants to go play outside. Every night she has to go outside to find the moon and stars. Which makes it hard to stay home some days and even go do some shopping. I can understand her wanting to enjoy the beautiful weather God has given us, but being 7 months pregnant, it can get exhausting. I have been wanting to soak up some sunshine myself and get some color on my pasty self, but I have felt like I have had no time to enjoy it. My list of things to do keeps piling up and instead of things getting taken off of it, a new thing gets added. This mama has too many craft ideas I want to work on, but it might just have to wait until things settle down here. Got something going on every weekend in April and then before you know it May is arriving and our new bundle will be here. I am enjoying the spring and every moment with Laila. I'll skip over some spring cleaning, to take her for playdates or go do something fun. Happy Spring to everyone! Looking forward to the summer, but hoping it's not one of those florida unbearably hot, humid summers. Crossing my fingers.

As far as Laila's growth goes and her new milestones in the toddler world. She has grown a 1/2 inch tall since her last appointment, but weight stayed the same at about 30 pounds. When she has to check off her "body type" it's going to be slim and slender. She is so tall, but is a skinny little girlie. She is finally wanting to be a cuddle bug, but it's ridiculous how much she wants to cuddle. All day long it's "Cuddle with [insert person here]". She repeats herself until someone answers her and copies everything you do or say. She sings the complete alphabet song, twinkle twinkle little star, the wheels on the bus, pat a cake, and itsy bitsy spider. Such a smart cookie! She is also a bottomless pit and on most days can just eat all day. I have been trying to stay away from the junk, but she loves her sweets. She loves her M&M's so much, she calls her sister that instead of Emmie. ha! It's really cute. She loves her princess' now and sometimes thinks she is one herself. Tantrums and drama happen occassionally. It's not a good time when those break out, but she gets over it pretty quick. She is a bundle of energy and keeps life busy...but I have no complaints, I do love it and cherish every moment with her because I look at her and can't believe she is no longer our little baby, but our big girl.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

30 weeks.

The doctor's office is starting to be my second home again. I'm getting into the every other week stage now. It's nice hearing Emelia's healthy heartbeat all the time and knowing all tests and check ups are going perfectly. It amazes me how I have gained about 27 pounds already, yet everyone tells me I don't even look 30 weeks along. I don't know where all this weight is being packed away at, but I guess if I look healthy, the weight number doesn't matter. I gained a total of 40 with Laila, and large percentage of that was water weight from swelling. So far so good with not swelling, but my back kills me and there are times I feel like I can't stand for a long amount of time. I try to stay off my feet as much as I can to prevent any swelling like I had with Laila.

At this appointment I decided to ask Dr. Marks about the scheduled c-section, since last time I had no preperation for it. I decided that I do want a c-section again because I don't want any risks to happen like last time and the doctor's office highly recommends it. I already have my Laila scar, so why not just do it all over again. I had my concerns and of course I'm a little nervous. It's a surgery...who wouldn't be scared...and a surgery that you are awake for! Last time I had to be knocked out cold because everything happened so fast, but this time I'll get to see it all happen. I felt a lot more relieved after the doc explained it all, including recovery process. I won't be in the hospital as long and I'll recover a lot faster.

But, there was one thing that shocked me. I asked him if we can schedule it on her actual due date, and he said with scheduled c-sections they do it at 39 weeks to prevent any starting of labor. So...looks like Miss Emmie will be here earlier then we expected. Hey! A week is a lot of time for a pregnant lady. Still got a little to go, but I know it will be here before we know it. I can't explain how excited I am to have another little baby around the house...and I know Laila will be too (well maybe not at first she will be a wee bit jealous, but she will learn that now she has a real life dolly to play with!)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Top o' the mornin' to ya!

Yep, we got a little bit of Irish in us, so I always try and be festive and celebrate. This was Laila's 3rd St. Patrick's Day and I snapped some shots of her in her cute little duds. She also had a little corn beef, cabbage, carrots, and potatoes which she liked. I love getting festive for the's too much fun! We love our lucky charm!

{Laila smiling with mama and the little sis bump}

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Soon to be Big Sister!

We are counting down the days...less then 3 months to go until our new addition arrives! Since the moment I took that pregnancy test on September 18th, it has been an adventure. And in just a few short months we will have one of the best 5 year anniversary gifts ever. Laila seems to be getting a little more excited each day. To be honest I am a little scared. When Laila was in my belly I was scared of the entire labor, but that's not what's scaring me this time around. I am a little worried how Laila will react and worried she will get jealous. She gets so much attention now, and is constantly attached to me. In the beginning Emmie will be attached to me with feedings and I don't want Laila to think I have forgotten about her. I am going to try to have her involved in everything I do with Emelia...baths, have her give her some bottles...ya know all the new mom stuff. Maybe I'll even let her try changing a stinky diaper. She does love her baby dolls and whenever she sees babies she just adores them. Laila does get her tantrums and has her bad days where it is unbearable. I'm worried about conflicting schedules. Laila still takes her naps. I'm worried about not getting any sleep and being a walking zombie. So let's just say I am worried, but couldn't be more excited! I really can not wait to have another baby around. Our little girl will officially be big when her sister arrives. It's amazing how fast she has grown into a beautiful tot.

Each day is a new adventure. Laila is very accident prone now. In a matter of a week she managed to smash her mouth and almost think we lost a tooth, blood gushing and swollen lips. She has such a personality that she gets herself all excited if she is dancing around or the dogs are making her laugh. She runs all over the place and trips over her own to feet. She took a face dive onto the carpet at target the other day, giving her some rug burn on her nose. It's too the point now where I don't freak out as much...I more so laugh and say "oh no what happened?" My main thing is her loosing a tooth or getting a concussion. I'm not ready for the tooth fairy to come yet. I still want to see some teeth in that beautiful smile of hers.

I can never remember (must be the prego mind), if I have been posting Laila's new stats and check ups we have had. She is still off the charts in height. I don't think that will ever change. Last appointment she was 37 inches I believe. Dr. A says she is the height of a 3 year old. Future supermodel or sport scholar? Either way, she will be the tallest girl in her class and be the one that has to be stuck in the back row in all her class pictures. She is still around 32 pounds from what I measure on my parents scale. If I'm at my parents and Grandpa comes home from work she follows him to be weighed in my parents bathroom scale. It's funny! Shopping for her is quite the adventure. I'm already picking out 3T for her because of her height. Most pants are still a 2T, but my gosh, it's insane. I'm so curious to see what Emelia's stats will be when she is born, and compare to her big sister. I'm sure their height will be the same, but I'm thinking Em will be a little bit smaller in weight. Hopefully with different seasons of the girls being born, Em will be able to have some of Laila's hand me downs. Laila did only wear most things once or twice.

Laila does such sweet things now. She wants to cuddle a lot more, gives you more hugs and kisses, she plays with my hair, and she pets the dogs and is a lot more gentle with them. If something seems wrong she looks at you with those sweet eyes and says "It's alright." Her vocabulary is unreal. She is saying complete sentences and repeats most everything now. What mommy is doing, she needs to be doing. She has to be into everything I am doing...sewing, cleaning, eating, and even as I am typing this she is leaning against my back wanting to help. No privacy for this mama! If I could record her everyday life, she could possibly have her own reality show. Pure entertainment! She keeps me busy, that's for sure.

Here are some sweet moments I captured of our big girl in February.