Saturday, February 27, 2010

Happy 13 months!

Not much has changed in a month. Laila is walking a little more. Going from couch to couch without holding on. Then she realizes what she is doing then falls to her knees. She has such an attitude behind those hazel eyes of hers. Laila's hair is growing so fast now...but she has the Terry Bradshaw going on...mullet style! Her hair is growing how mine did when I was a baby...but she has a lot more hair then me when I was a year. It's too funny! We are just enjoying this age. I'm missing Laila being a teenie tiny baby. I still can't believe how big she is now. Maybe, soon, another baby will be on the way *wink*.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

what a ham!

I was just dilly dallying around the house and came into the kitchen to find Laila doing this...

She is now climbing! And took a good 6 steps tonight! Hopefully we are making some progress.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lovin' it!

Life seems to be busy this year...first planning Laila's party and having company. It is continuing to stay busy and I love it. Here is what I have been doing so far this's already flying by!

I have been enjoying my days learning about photography---reading about it and having help from forums. I even have some photoshoots lined up to help me practice. This has always been a passion of mine. I finally feel like I have the time to do it. I'm building up my supplies and ideas. Here is my blog that I have been posting some of my practice pictures on.


I have also been putting some funky fun fabric outfits together that I want to make for Laila. My list of things to make continues to grow. I'm hoping to make some fun photography "props" to use on some shoots. I'll make whatever you want me to and I am still doing my crafts, but focusing more on the photography right now.

I started the Mamarazzi Mommy and Me Group so all my local friend mom's (and whatever other mom's would like to join) can get together to enjoy time as a group with our little ones. Good for us mom's and the kiddos. Each month (maybe more) we meet up and enjoy eachother's company. Picnics in the park, Animals at the Zoo, Sand Castles on the beach...the kids will love it and us mom's will be able to have some adult conversation while our rugrats play. Anyone who wants to join, let me know!

At times my head can feel like it's going to explode. I just have so many ideas rumbling around and it can get a tad bit overwhelming. Sometimes I think I can do it all at once but realized I need to relax and take it one project at a time.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Year Check.

Laila's 12 month check went good as usual. She is now 23 pounds and grew an inch since her last doctor's visit at 9 months. Now in the 80th percentile for weight and off the charts in height. Laila wasn't liking this check up this time. She was squirmy and screaming like crazy. Besides her little attitudes she gets she is doing good. Just waiting for her to let go of my finger and walk all by herself, more then just a couple steps on her own. She wants to do it, but seems to be scared. We practice everyday...walking through the stores or home. It will happen out of the blue, and when it does...she is going to be runnin'! I'm so ready for it, because it's all she wants to do now is grab my finger and walk everywhere. She no longer wants to be held. The girl loves to eat and sleep (she fights it a lot lately, but she is a good sleeper for the most part). No more bottle for our little girl. It was pretty easy switching her to a sippy. Next step is working on getting rid of the bink. Seems like Jason and I can be more reliable on it then she is. She is in her throwing stage. She plays ball and hides things from me. She drops food on the floor for the dogs and laughs about it. We yell at her and tell her no and then she starts to cry. We can't help but laugh sometimes. Laila knows how to turn on her cd player to play music all by herself. She knows what buttons to press. Even though she loves things that aren't hers, she is starting to love all her toys. She lays on her belly and plays with her dollhouse, wheels her stroller around and hugs her baby dolls. I look away for a second and she disappers to her room to go play all by herself...miss independent! Laila has never been one to cuddle. She has always wanted to just do her own thing and not be bothered by sitting on the couch or bed and relaxing with mommy and daddy. It's finally changing. She loves hanging out in bed with us. She flops herself around and back and all over the place and giggles like crazy. Now she lifts her arms up and calls for mommy or daddy. She copies things we say and says some sentences that we have yet to know what the heck she is saying. She loves giving us "high fives" and dancing all silly with mommy. Laila loves books and had a TON of them! She is now pointing out things when I ask her were something is. During bathtime she has her Bathtime squeak book and each time I read it she knows at the very end comes the "squeak" on the piggy's nose. She points to it. She laughs when we scare her and when she farts, I say "piggy" and she tries to fart again. It's too stinkin' cute! Goodness, new things happen everyday. What a little sas she is!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Family time!

Wow! We have been super busy. I don't know where this year has gone already. I can't believe we are almost half way into February. Since the holidays I have felt non stop. We were so happy to hear that we were going to have family coming from New York for Laila's birthday. Brian, Marisa, and Jordan were coming to stay with us for a week. And we were surprised by Aunt Patti and Uncle Bob. They came and helped prepare for Laila's party and then we enjoyed lounging around the rest of the week. We got to go see a movie, spend the day at Busch Gardens, and just enjoy eachother's company. Laila and Jordan loved playing. Laila picked up a lot of words and walking moves from him. We always have so much fun when they are down. Can't wait for the next time.

Kaitlyn, Lianna, Laila, Jordan, & Landon

Laila practicing her walking at BG.

The clan.

Laila was happy daddy could come with us this time!

Lovin' Cousins!

Jordan fishing in Lake Roach.

Brian and Jason with the kids.

Time for the Johnson's to head back to NY.

Monday, February 8, 2010

"You are our Sunshine"

HOLY COW! Can I pinch myself? Do we really have a one year old? Unreal. Laila's 1st party was definantly a big deal. We welcomed tons of friends and family to our home to help us celebrate. Jason and I wanted to make it special for her, even if she won't remember it, we will, and she will look back and be greatful for it all.
Laila got lots of gifts (and me too!). It was a never ending line of opening presents and cards. Laila got Elmo Encore, Radio Flyer Outback Wagon, PBK baby carriage with Abby and Stella baby dolls, oodles of clothes, some mulla to stash away, gift cards and some other little things to play with.
Every one year old needs a smash cake. Laila stuck her little fingers into her sunshine cake and went at it. While about 50 people watched her and laughed. She was loving it! I have never seen such a mess. About half way through, it was time to take a bath and get all the cake crud off of her. She wasn't too happy and could of just been covered in cake the rest of the night.

I couldn't get over it. It literally was and cake prints all over her face. Looks like she is ready to fight in a war. haha!

I wanted Laila to remember everyone who came to her first birthday. I will have her 1st birthday picture framed and kept in her room. It was a great day (and a memorable birthday for me). As much fun as we year...we do small. After this...Laila will be telling me what she wants for her special birthday parties. Thank you to everyone who came and crammed themselves into our humble abode!