Saturday, January 31, 2009

welcome baby girl.

Laila Gianna Geraci is finally here! Our little snuggle bug arrived on January 27th at 10:09 a.m. Weighing in at 8 lbs 3 oz and 21 inches long, she couldn't be more perfect! We are so excited to be new parents. It's been six days and what a worldwind we have gone through (I'll explain in another blog about my labor process). We have changed several stinky and wet diapers and gone through hundreds of spit up onesies and we couldn't enjoy it more.

We couldn't of asked for a more beautiful baby. She makes everything easy for us. Other then the first couple nights, she let's us sleep except when I have to get up and breastfeed. Which is (now) working out great. I enjoy every minute. Jason and I have become naturals in a matter of days. It's so surreal.

She is our world, our life, our everything. I never knew you could love someone so much. We love you squirm worm!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

early labor?

I have been super crampy most of the day and have had mild contractions that I am trying to keep track of. I think some of my mucous plug came out, but still no pink color or spotting. And best of boobie works! I had a squirt of colostrum today! We are making progress. I guess scraping those membranes while being so effaced was a good thing. Let's see what the night holds.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Today is Laila's due date (since it was changed back to the original). I had my last prenatal appointment and was hooked up to a monitor for an NST test. This test monitored Laila's heartbeat and my contractions. Surprisingly I was having contractions almost every 5 minutes and I didn't even feel them. I thought to myself...shouldn't I be heading to Labor & Delivery? Doc didn't seem to concerned. She told me to just keep track this weekend. I had my internal check like I do every week and I was still 2 cm dilated and about 90% effaced. My cervix softened a lot since last week. All the walking has helped! I then asked her about scraping my membranes. Last week Dr. Marks asked me if I wanted it done and I said will happen on its own. With a week going by...I told her go for it. It did help...I feel a little more crampy, but my contractions aren't too bad...yet! Let's hope hubbie and I will be taking a midnight drive to the hospital sometime this weekend, because I don't want to have to be induced Monday night. Yay to us finally almost entering parenthood!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

anyday now.

Just a quick update on my appointment today. We have made some progress! I am now 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced. Dr. Marks couldn't believe how much of a change it was from the week before. He said it could be within the next couple days and I probably won't even make it to next week. I knew some progress had to be made. I have been having lots of Braxton Hicks (nothing painful...and the contractions aren't bad at all). Laila is still moving a lot, and poking through my belly causing hardness and discomfort. Throughout the day for the past couple days I have had sharp pains in my groin area. To were I can be standing and all of a sudden I could feel as if I can drop to my knees. My lower back has been causing me discomfort, leaving me with barely any sleep. I figured this is all just normal. I keep asking myself how am I going to know when I am having true labor contractions? I know once it happens it will all come into play. Now I am just waiting for my mucous plug to fall out, my water to break or something. Nothing has yet come out of my boobs. No clear liquid, no colostrum, nada. I know it depends on the person, it happens before the birth for some or after for others. But what the boobs are why isn't anything coming out now so I know they are working!?

Nevertheless, I am so excited to hear that finally she is making her way downtown. Now I am running around the house, rechecking our bags to make sure I got everything. At this point it is like a daze...realizing anyday now you are going to have that precious person that you have been carrying for 9 months in your arms. Wow! The nerves are kicking in...our little blessing will all be worth it.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

tired of waiting.

Look's like we might have to wait an extra week or so to see our baby girl. I had my weekly check today and now the doc was saying how somehow (I don't know how it took them that long to realize) we are back to our normal due date of January 23rd. Let's just say I was a little disappointed--and aggravated! I am still 1 cm. dilated and I am hoping within the next week or so the process will start moving along and everything will come natural. Otherwise, I can't go much past my due date and could possibly have to be induced. Which is something I would not prefer. The induction process can take 2-3 days. I wouldn't be able to go past 41 weeks, because she could possibly get too big (she has got to be a little chunk already!), so really our options are slim. I don't want to schedule a c-section. I want to be able to at least try and deliver vaginaly. Dr. Marks is still concerned about me being able to push out a baby that is probably now in the 80th percentile. I told him give me an epidural and I will try, but if there is any risk to Laila then we will have to proceed with a c-section. I know it's all going to work out fine, and God is listening to our prayers. At this point I am so anxious, and ready to be a mommy. I really can't complain because these 9 months have been an indescribable experience and I have been so lucky to have an easy pregnancy. Now...let's get on with the next chapter...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

a peek at Laila's room.

It took me a while but it is coming along. She is a little spoiled monster already. She has so much stuff I didn't know what to do with it all. Her room is so big I am trying to fill in spaces that look bare. Being a housewife-mommy now gave me a lot more time to organize and work on the nursery. The walls are still bare as I am waiting on orders to come in. And why the heck do rugs have to be so darn expensive? I found the perfect one, but no way I'm spending an insane amount on a rug. And I am making myself crazy trying to find the perfect curtains. If this doesn't make me sound like a mom...I am going to fabric stores to find some material for curtains and I am even learning to crochet. haha! Have fun taking a peek.