Thursday, April 28, 2011

3 weeks to go!

Is it true? We only have 3 weeks until our other little girl arrives. It seems like no time. I went for my weekly check up today and everything went perfectly. My weight gain stayed the same. So I have gained less then 20 pounds so far because I lost a little a couple weeks ago. It's crazy to me how different my body is with Emmie then it was when I was pregnant with Laila.

I met with the Dr. Patel this week and she was just a little concerned about how tiny I was with only have 3 weeks left before delivery. I wasn't too concerned, but a little more excited that I was going to see Emmie again. I haven't had a sono since the end of January. So to be on the safe side she sent me in for a sonogram with Rhonda (who I absolutely love!) She was very happy with my fluid and kept saying how perfect everything is. We are just going to have a little peanut this time. Emmie is weighing in right now around 5.5 pounds and is in the 40th percentile. Rhonda guesstimated that she will be in the upper 6 lbs for weight. Right when she turned on the 3D/4D, I immediatly saw Laila. She looks exactly like Laila did when we had her sono done. It was so sweet. I'm curious to see if they look alike, or if Emmie will have the light eyes/light hair. We will see in 3 weeks!

I am having little boosts of energy and able to get things done around the house right now, but it catches up with me after a couple days and I'm exhausted. Still have bad backpains, a hard time sleeping, and lots of indigestion. Thank goodness for some tums!

The Geraci Fam will soon be 4! Yay!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bye Bye Crib!

After a lot of procrastination, Laila is now sleeping in a regular bed. The crib is all ready for her little sis! She has been in a big girl bed for almost a week now and it went a lot easier then I thought it would. She actually was really excited when she saw it, but was a little confused to why we were moving her crib. We made sure to let her know that this is a big deal and she is a big girl and now has her big girl bed. She kept walking around saying "Is that my big girl bed?" I was nervous about her falling out of bed and hurting herself, so I kept waking to check on her. The first couple nights were a little hard getting her to stay in bed, but she also was feeling a little under the weather. As nights went by it wasn't as bad. She came into our room in the middle of the night, but last night she slept in her bed all night until 7:30! I do have to cuddle with her until she falls asleep now, but I know that will change as she gets older.

I still have lots to do to her room, but with having no energy lately I have been very lazy. I am focusing on finishing the nursery first since Laila's room has toys all over anyways. I have so many ideas and lots of plans for the girls rooms, just need the time and motivation to do it. Her bedding isn't exactly what I had in mind, but at this point I was more concerned with her just having the big bed. If it was how I pictured how I wanted her room to be, I would of had to repaint and do a lot. So, that will have to wait. I wanted her to be in the bed a little before her sister arrives so she isn't going through too many changes at once. She is already used to it. What a big girl she has become.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

5 weeks to go!

It sounds a lot sooner when you are counting down the weeks now. And since we know what day exactly Emmie will be born (God willing everything goes as planned), it's more stressful. It's like waiting around for Christmas day or a vacation you have been waiting forever for. Not much has changed since my last appointment. Same back spasms and feeling like I have to pee every 5 minutes. Any position she is in she finds a way to lean on my bladder or nerve somehow. She is still swimming around like crazy in there and must have some room considering she is non stop having a party in my tummy. I did gain another pound, but my appointment before that I lost 2 pounds, so I am still down a pound. People are saying I do not look like I only have 5 weeks to go. I am no where near as big as I was with Laila, thank goodness! And so far so good with no major swelling. These weeks will go by fast, but I'm sure there will be a lot of updates in the mean time since I'll be having appointments a lot more frequently now. I really am excited and everytime I go into her nursery I get more and more anxious for her to be here. I'm so glad Jason will be able to be in the room this time and we get to share the birth of Miss Emmie June!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Small fry or Big fry?

Will we have a whopper or a peanut? a small fry or a big fry? a mini Laila or a bigger Laila? Jason and I have been making our bets on Miss Emmie's stats. We already know that she will be arriving a little over a week early on May 19th, due to a scheduled c-section and we pretty much know around what time. Unless, something changes and I go into labor before that. Which I am crossing my fingers that doesn't happen.

So I figured why not have a little fun with the "baby pools" and guess what her weight and height will be. Now keep in mind that she will be a little early and Laila was 4 days past her due date. Just so you know Laila was 8 lbs. 3 oz. and 21 inches. A lot of people are also saying I am a lot smaller this time around. Maybe do to the fact I don't have lots of swelling since I'm not on my feet all day from working. All my weight with Laila was because of the access fluids and swelling. We haven't had an ultrasound since the end of January, so I have no clue how much she has grown or any measurements. I'm hoping to have another sono soon and see her sweet self again before she arrives. are mommy and daddy's guesses for baby #2!

Jason says 8 lbs. 2 oz. and 22 inches

I'm saying 7 lbs. 10 oz. and 21 inches

So post your bets. Curious to hear what you all are thinking. Maybe a little prize will be in order for the closest guesser. Got a little over 6 weeks to go! Yay!