Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Drooly McDroolface.

I think Laila has been teething since the moment she came out of my womb. I live in a world full of drool and slobber. It's like she doesn't want to swallow her spit. It's so funny! She will sit, stare, and smile at you and a line of drool comes pouring from her mouth. It is quit humerous actually. The mom that hates putting bibs on her baby is the one that has the drooliest baby in the entire world. ha! Laila must go through 5 bibs a day and then I give up and just let her entire outfit get drenched. She wants to chew on everything in site. Body parts, the clothes she is wearing, and any item she can put her eyes on. She gets so entertained by everything going on around her. During feeding time she grabs the spoon and jar out of my hand so she can feed herself. She is finally getting a grasp on the life outside of a carseat/stroller and is now into the world of shopping carts. She LOVES it! Each day is a new adventure and something new. All smiles, all day...we were blessed with the happiest (drooliest) baby!

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