Thursday, January 8, 2009

tired of waiting.

Look's like we might have to wait an extra week or so to see our baby girl. I had my weekly check today and now the doc was saying how somehow (I don't know how it took them that long to realize) we are back to our normal due date of January 23rd. Let's just say I was a little disappointed--and aggravated! I am still 1 cm. dilated and I am hoping within the next week or so the process will start moving along and everything will come natural. Otherwise, I can't go much past my due date and could possibly have to be induced. Which is something I would not prefer. The induction process can take 2-3 days. I wouldn't be able to go past 41 weeks, because she could possibly get too big (she has got to be a little chunk already!), so really our options are slim. I don't want to schedule a c-section. I want to be able to at least try and deliver vaginaly. Dr. Marks is still concerned about me being able to push out a baby that is probably now in the 80th percentile. I told him give me an epidural and I will try, but if there is any risk to Laila then we will have to proceed with a c-section. I know it's all going to work out fine, and God is listening to our prayers. At this point I am so anxious, and ready to be a mommy. I really can't complain because these 9 months have been an indescribable experience and I have been so lucky to have an easy pregnancy. Now...let's get on with the next chapter...


zordeak said...
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Skinny McGinny said...

Hang in there Kim! Little Laila will completely be worth the wait. It's the getting there that's the hardest and just keep thinking, she's right around the corner!