Saturday, June 18, 2011

My Liquid Gold.

This breastfeeding thing seems harder the second time around. I thought I would be a pro and be producing like crazy, but it's not working out that way. Emms is constantly hungry and my milk doesn't seem to be satisfying her. A couple days after Emmie was born, we had to suppliment her like we did with Laila. She lost 10% of her body weight and I was concerned she would just keep loosing more. So we decided to put some chunk on her bones with giving her some formula. I really didn't want to start her on that, since I thought the breastfeeding would be successful. I figured she was a pound tinier then Laila so breastfeeding would be easier and she wouldn't need as much. Boy...(or should I say girl) was I wrong. I am doing everything I can. I latch, pump, and suppliment all day long. It's exhausting...but am not giving up on the breastfeeding thing. I lasted only 7 weeks with Laila and really want to keep trying with Emmie. Even if she only gets some of my milk. She is only 4 weeks and I'm not giving up that easily. I even started pumping more throughout the day then latching her on so I can see how much she is getting. I have my good and bad days with the pumping process. Some days I get lots and others I barely get anything. But I'm sticking it out for now.


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. It might be exhausting but breastfeeding also helps forge a stronger mother-daughter bond and has other positive effects.

Heather said...

Good for you! It's definitely not easy, but it sounds like you're doing everything you can. Hang in there!