Thursday, June 4, 2009

i'm a proud mama.

I have been waiting for this for weeks now. I knew it was going to happen anyday. Laila finally rolled herself over on her belly. I would always lay her on her playmat in her room and let her play and listen to music. She seemed to almost be able to do it, but that darn shoulder and arm was always getting in the way. This morning I did the normal routine. Put little bean on her mat and got ready for the day. I heard her grunting and seemed to be getting mad. No big deal...she always screaming and trying to talk when she is playing. About 2 minutes later I went to check on her and found her on her tummy with her head up laughing and smiling. "Oh my goodness!" I screamed and think I scared poor baby g. I was so excited to see she finally did it. It didn't seem like she was able to push herself back over yet, so I picked her up and gave her a big kiss and congratulated her. Now the time has come where I have to watch her like a hawk. I get worried she will do that in her crib in the middle of the night and not be able to get herself back over. It is easier for her to grasp onto the floor because it's not as soft. This is a big stage in her life. She is beyond strong! Next is the crawling, walking, and graduating high school. Oh Lord...

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