Sunday, March 15, 2009

bye bye breastmilk.

Somehow I feel so guilty saying this...but I am officially done with breastfeeding. Even though 7 weeks seems like a short amount of time compaired to the people you hear do it for 6 months to a year. It was a long and exhausting haul. I was pumping throughout the day and still not producing enough to fill up Laila's little (or should I say big) tummy. It felt like I was feeding her every hour because my milk wasn't enough for her. She seemed to get used to the suppliments we were giving her. Of course she would like the taste of formula better then breastmilk. It's like having a milkshake over a bottle of water. I am very proud of myself for going this far and I know Laila at least got what she needed for a while. Suprisingly, I have no pain from my milk drying up. Probably because there wasn't much in there. You really wouldn't understand unless you have breastfed...but stopping (even if you only have a little to provide) does make you feel guilty. So from now on, it's all formula. I got one more bag of breastmilk. Laila isn't complaining. She is full off of 6 ounces for a good 4 hours (most of the time!). Thank goodness we have a lifetime supply for free (thanks papou!). ::sign:: I will kind of miss it. Until the next kid comes.

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