Tuesday, May 19, 2009

poor bubs.

Laila has her first official cold. It seemed like something wasn't right the past couple days. She has had me up in the middle of the night, sometimes more than once. Yesterday she got a flemmy like cough that didn't sound to great. I set up the humidifier, pulled out the saline drops and tylenol. She is still all smiles so I know she isn't feeling too bad. This is when I go into full worry mom mode. I was paranoid she couldn't breathe and I just wanted to watch her all night. I practically slept with the monitor and I kept turning on the video night vision to make sure she was moving. Today, she seems ok. Just sleepy from the tylenol. She just slighty woke up and started that whiney cry like she doesn't feel good and fell right back to sleep. It just breaks my heart. I would be sick for her in a heartbeat. Oh, this is just the beginning of the many nights when she will come to our room in the middle of the night and tell us she doesn't feel good. She changes each day, and I am so crazingly smitten over her! Feel better sunshine.

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