Finally, it began to feel like Christmas. The weather has been very chilly. Most people in Florida complain about it, but I love it! I'de rather bundle up in layers of clothes, then be dripping sweat from the horrible heat and humidity we get here.
Jason and I took Laila to Wiregrass to see Santa. It didn't go over to well again this year. She does say Santa and Ho Ho Ho but doesn't want to be near him. So instead we walked around and did a little shopping. Laila was walking all confident in her red trench jacket. She was moving around so much she barely let me get any pictures of her. I can't resist snapping away on my camera. She makes the funniest faces and I always seem to miss the good shots.

Our neighborhood did a really cute Christmas party for the kids down at the tot lot. They put in a new fire pit and had a petting zoo and goodies. Laila had so much fun and loved all the animals. She loved the Cow Moo Moo. It was a perfect winter day. Kind of felt like it could of snowed with how gloomy the sky looked. Days like those make me excited for Christmas.

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