We went for our ultrasound yesterday to find out the sex of baby #2. Laila is going to have a little sister and we couldn't be more happy. She is absolutely perfect and is measuring 7 inches in length. She looks like she has those long legs like Miss Laila.
It has taken me a while for it to sink in that we are pregnant again. Even though we were trying, life has been so busy and when you have a toddler to chase around you seem to forget you are pregnant sometimes. Seeing the baby yesterday made it so surreal. Having another little girl, means not as much to buy. Which is wonderful! We are so excited and have baby girl's middle name picked out but are working on first names. If we were to leave it up to Laila it would be Minnie or Daisy. ha!
We have lots to look forward to with our new bundle, and lots of planning and things to accomplish before she arrives.
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