Where is the time going? I have been behind on my monthly posting of Laila's new adventures. Life has been extremely busy the past couple months. Laila is now 22 months old! Getting very close to the 2 year mark. She is such a riot and a little miss smarty pants. People can't believe how much she talks and what a personality she has. Her new kick is on "Beauty and the Beast". I popped it in the dvd for her one day since it is one of my all time favorite movies, and she is hooked now. Everything is "The Beast!"
She copies most everything we say. If I call Jason "hunnie" she will mimic me. She hears Jason and I talking to eachother and now she learned to say our names. She walks around going "Jassssson" and "Kimmy". Her vocab is so advanced. She is putting words into sentences already too! She sings "Happy Birthday to you" and says "I Love You" and also says big words like ambulance. It's crazy the things she says. I can start singing a song and she knows the next part. Her knew thing is when she sees Santa she says, "ho, ho, ho". But she sometimes is too smart for her own good. She whines on purpose to TRY and get what she wants. She has her terrible tantrums, even in stores...oh not fun! She gets sent to her room for about 2 minutes until she calms down, then I do hug her and tell her I love her. The doctor said this is all normal for kids her age and just to tell her no then give her no attention. We had an appointment for her this week. She now weighs 30 pounds and is 37 inches long! Holy cow! She is 90th percentile in weight and still off the charts in height. Dr. A. said that she is the height of a 3 year old and that she will have some scholarships on her hands. Such a big girl we have.
She copies most everything we say. If I call Jason "hunnie" she will mimic me. She hears Jason and I talking to eachother and now she learned to say our names. She walks around going "Jassssson" and "Kimmy". Her vocab is so advanced. She is putting words into sentences already too! She sings "Happy Birthday to you" and says "I Love You" and also says big words like ambulance. It's crazy the things she says. I can start singing a song and she knows the next part. Her knew thing is when she sees Santa she says, "ho, ho, ho". But she sometimes is too smart for her own good. She whines on purpose to TRY and get what she wants. She has her terrible tantrums, even in stores...oh not fun! She gets sent to her room for about 2 minutes until she calms down, then I do hug her and tell her I love her. The doctor said this is all normal for kids her age and just to tell her no then give her no attention. We had an appointment for her this week. She now weighs 30 pounds and is 37 inches long! Holy cow! She is 90th percentile in weight and still off the charts in height. Dr. A. said that she is the height of a 3 year old and that she will have some scholarships on her hands. Such a big girl we have.
Now we are looking forward to her 2nd Christmas and Birthday within the next couple months. Then preparing her for her big girl room (just waiting to find out what we are having so we can transfer crib to the nursery then get her big bed), some major potty training (doing ok with it, she tells me poopy on potty), and becoming a big sis!
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