Emmie is now almost 4 months old. She has been rolling over, holding her head up all by herself, and has been eating off the spoon somewhat for the past couple days. I swear she is ready to skip the crawling and go straight to walking. She loves her bouncy seat and when she is being held she moves her legs one in front of the other. She is already scooting her way around the house in her walker. The best of all is she is sleeping through the night, almost a full 12 hours like Laila used to. Not as many naps during the day, but it's no biggie. Laila continues to smother and love her so much. But is a really great big sis to her! She makes Emmie smile and laugh and is always so concerned about her. She tells me "Don't forget Emmie" if we are getting ready to go anywhere and she wants to do everything "Like Emmie does". They will for sure have a good sisterly bond.
Now we are entering the end of the year and all the craziness of holidays and birthdays. I'll try keeping up with the blogging thing, but it's a lot harder to sit with two. Looking forward to lots to come...

1 comment:
When will you update your blog? Love reading it.
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