Emmie is giving us more smiles everyday. Her motor skills are getting much better. She is always on the move and is pushing her legs against you when you hold her. I think she will be crawling early. She can pretty much hold her head up on her own. The other night we finally put her in her own room in the hopes I can get more sleep. The first 2 nights she slept through the night with no feedings. I was a happy mama! She has been a little fussier the past couple nights but she will adjust eventually. I was looking back at pictures when she was a week old and oh my goodness she lost a lot of hair. She has her "alpha alpha" in the back top of her head still. It sticks up and is about an inch of hair. It's too cute!
Emms had her 2 month check up at the doctor yesterday and she is going through a total growth spurt. She's now 10 lbs 12 oz. and 23 inches long. In the 90th percentile now! I'm so glad she is packing on the pounds and getting some little rolls here and there. She already seems pretty advanced like Laila was. Already growing up too too fast.
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