Thank goodness for the nice weather because Laila is totally smitten with being outside. I think she is ready for some camping trips. She wants to be wherever there is dirt and sunshine, even when it's raining she wants to go play outside. Every night she has to go outside to find the moon and stars. Which makes it hard to stay home some days and even go do some shopping. I can understand her wanting to enjoy the beautiful weather God has given us, but being 7 months pregnant, it can get exhausting. I have been wanting to soak up some sunshine myself and get some color on my pasty self, but I have felt like I have had no time to enjoy it. My list of things to do keeps piling up and instead of things getting taken off of it, a new thing gets added. This mama has too many craft ideas I want to work on, but it might just have to wait until things settle down here. Got something going on every weekend in April and then before you know it May is arriving and our new bundle will be here. I am enjoying the spring and every moment with Laila. I'll skip over some spring cleaning, to take her for playdates or go do something fun. Happy Spring to everyone! Looking forward to the summer, but hoping it's not one of those florida unbearably hot, humid summers. Crossing my fingers.
As far as Laila's growth goes and her new milestones in the toddler world. She has grown a 1/2 inch tall since her last appointment, but weight stayed the same at about 30 pounds. When she has to check off her "body type" it's going to be slim and slender. She is so tall, but is a skinny little girlie. She is finally wanting to be a cuddle bug, but it's ridiculous how much she wants to cuddle. All day long it's "Cuddle with [insert person here]". She repeats herself until someone answers her and copies everything you do or say. She sings the complete alphabet song, twinkle twinkle little star, the wheels on the bus, pat a cake, and itsy bitsy spider. Such a smart cookie! She is also a bottomless pit and on most days can just eat all day. I have been trying to stay away from the junk, but she loves her sweets. She loves her M&M's so much, she calls her sister that instead of Emmie. ha! It's really cute. She loves her princess' now and sometimes thinks she is one herself. Tantrums and drama happen occassionally. It's not a good time when those break out, but she gets over it pretty quick. She is a bundle of energy and keeps life busy...but I have no complaints, I do love it and cherish every moment with her because I look at her and can't believe she is no longer our little baby, but our big girl.
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