The doctor's office is starting to be my second home again. I'm getting into the every other week stage now. It's nice hearing Emelia's healthy heartbeat all the time and knowing all tests and check ups are going perfectly. It amazes me how I have gained about 27 pounds already, yet everyone tells me I don't even look 30 weeks along. I don't know where all this weight is being packed away at, but I guess if I look healthy, the weight number doesn't matter. I gained a total of 40 with Laila, and large percentage of that was water weight from swelling. So far so good with not swelling, but my back kills me and there are times I feel like I can't stand for a long amount of time. I try to stay off my feet as much as I can to prevent any swelling like I had with Laila.
At this appointment I decided to ask Dr. Marks about the scheduled c-section, since last time I had no preperation for it. I decided that I do want a c-section again because I don't want any risks to happen like last time and the doctor's office highly recommends it. I already have my Laila scar, so why not just do it all over again. I had my concerns and of course I'm a little nervous. It's a surgery...who wouldn't be scared...and a surgery that you are awake for! Last time I had to be knocked out cold because everything happened so fast, but this time I'll get to see it all happen. I felt a lot more relieved after the doc explained it all, including recovery process. I won't be in the hospital as long and I'll recover a lot faster.
But, there was one thing that shocked me. I asked him if we can schedule it on her actual due date, and he said with scheduled c-sections they do it at 39 weeks to prevent any starting of labor. So...looks like Miss Emmie will be here earlier then we expected. Hey! A week is a lot of time for a pregnant lady. Still got a little to go, but I know it will be here before we know it. I can't explain how excited I am to have another little baby around the house...and I know Laila will be too (well maybe not at first she will be a wee bit jealous, but she will learn that now she has a real life dolly to play with!)
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