Wednesday, February 25, 2009

lactose free for me.

Baby girl has had an excessive amount of gas causing her to have an upset tummy. Being new parents, Jason and I of course feel so bad for her and try everything to make her feel better. Last night it took forever for us to get her to sleep. Jason fed her her late night feeding so I can rest up (been a little sleep deprived...I get at least 8 hours which is great for a new mom, but it's all broken sleep). Barely in a deep sleep, I awoke at about 11 p.m. to Laila crying. Poor hubbie looked at me feeling bad and said "I have tried everything." Not everything...I put her in her carseat and we went for a late night drive around the block. She loves the car. It definantly worked and calmed her down. We were finally able to get some sleep until 4:30 p.m. Laila didn't want to eat or latch on, so I rocked her back to sleep. She fell asleep for another 2 hours then wanted to eat. Laila's papou told us she might be sensitive to lactose. So we decided for now that I will watch what I eat and stick with the lactose free milk (I do love my milk!) along with all other products that can cause gas. No dairy, no broccoli, know pretty much all the good stuff. If you know me well enough, you would know that this is extremely hard for me. We also switched her formula (for when we have to suppliment) to the Similac Sensitive. Let's see if this will work and that's what has been upsetting her little belly...we will try it for a couple days. I just want Laila to feel good, and I will do whatever I have to do...even if that is changing what I eat for a little while. Then I will start introducing things back into my diet. I know where she gets her sensitive tummy from...her daddy. My poor baby.

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