I can not believe 3 weeks have already gone by. So much has seemed to happen and change in that short amount of time. Laila had a check up at the doc's since she lost so much weight while we were in the hospital. Well...our little pea went from 7 lbs. 11 oz. to 9 lbs 6 oz. in a matter of 2 weeks! We got ourselves a little chunker now. Sooo happy! (oh! and she is off the charts with her height...22 1/2 inches long now....no surprise there considering her ma and da are both tall). We can cut back on the formula for now and she should be good with my breastmilk. I am so fortunate that Laila will pretty much take to anything. She will take a bottle or still latch on to my breast and I don't have any worries that even though we started her on the bottle she won't take to my boob. I was so worried about breastfeeding, but she has made it so easy on me. It is exhausting and not the easiest thing feeding every 2-3 hours...but as everyone says it is such a great bond you get to share with your child. I just wish our little chunk would let me build up my milk supply. I am pumping about once a day and I want to do it more. I am waking up in the middle of the night engourged and leaking all over the bed. It goes right through the nursing pads and my bra! eeek! Not fun waking up in a puddle of milk. Laila then empties my boobies and a couple hours go by and they are hard as rocks again. But phew...at least now I know Laila isn't starving with how many pounds she packed on. Let's keep up the boobie feedings for as long as I can. I know it will just get easier, plus it gives Laila all the vitamins and good stuff she needs. But once it's time for the jar foods...no more latching on for our little girl. I will continue to pump and bottle breastfeed.
All this breastfeeding is great for not only Laila, but me too! I have pretty much lost all my prego weight and my legs are skinnier then they were before. Now I just need to build up some muscle and start hitting the gym again. I will definantly be using our jogging stroller once I am fully healed from the surgery. I don't quite think I can fit into my jeans yet (I haven't tried), but I will be working on it. My hormones are way out of wack right now, and I feel super tired lately, but this too shall pass and like the Darius Rucker song, it won't be like this for long. Everyone can't believe that I just had a baby 3 weeks ago. How lucky am I?
Next appt.: March 16th for Laila's shots...my poor baby girl. Our calender is full for the next couple months. We have so much to look forward to.
Hubs and I are truly blessed with such a beautiful and well behaved baby.

at the doctor for her 3 week checkup with Dr. Freddie Alvarez
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