Even nine months after giving birth to Laila, I am still going through changes. Physically and mentally. My hormones are still going berzerk. I have lost my mind most of the time and can't seem to find it. I find myself forgetting what I was going to say. I never thought being a stay at home mom would make my mind go one hundred miles a minute. But it does! There seems to always be something to do and not enough time.
I have now noticed I have little tiny baby hairs on my head that I can't do anything with! I was trying to grow my hair long, but decided to cut it to about shoulder length to make it a little healthier. I love it but those hairs didn't help any. My stylist told me at about 6-9 months after going through labor, you get breakage to your hair. That explains it. It just happened out of no where it seemed.
I weigh less then I did even before I got pregnant. Which is a good thing, but I want my muscle to come back. When I get the time I go jogging with Laila (thank goodness we are getting cool weather now), some yoga, and tae bo. I am also building back some muscle from picking up my 22 pounder and dancing around the house like a maniac to make her laugh. I love it!
I guess I didn't do enough kegal exercises while pregnant. My bladder seems to be so weak. I have to pee every hour. And I didn't even push Laila out! And another thing my incision is still itchy! It's healing nicely though. It's c-sections for me for the next 3 babes! :)
Sometimes I think I am crazy for wanting to be pregnant again. But I am ready for another...maybe not physically, but mentally. But we shall wait and maybe start trying again near the end of 2010. Let me try to get back to my normal self before we try for the second. Babies...they are SO worth it!