It's official...we have a crawler on our hands! I knew it was coming anyday now. Laila would move a couple feet or so, but this time while we were away she crawled that body of hers all the way across our hotel living room suite. She wanted daddy's phone so bad, she knew the only way to get to it was to crawl herself over. Now we can't stop her. She's wearing those knees down and loving every minute of it. Most of the house is baby proofed. She is grabbing everything in site. I will walk away for one minute and turn around and wha la! Miss Laila appears! She will be 8 months in a week. She is talking, crawling, rolling, clapping, waving, eating yummy foods, copying everything you do, sings along with the disney channel shows. It's amazing. Grandma just bought he some Baby Einstein flashcards today...can't wait to use them!
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