We couldn't of asked for a better CHRISTmas! We got spoiled rotten and God truly blessed us with wonderful family. We started our festivites on the 23rd at my parents house for gift exchange and a Lazagna dinner. Laila got to open many presents from her Grandma & Grandpa, Aunt, and Uncle.

Gifts were piled under the tree waiting for Daddy and Uncle Barry to get off work so we can open them with my family. Laila did some shopping of her own and was so excited to give her gifts out. After all the hustle and bustle throughout the stores, I was so happy to have Laila here with us this year. She loved shopping with me throughout the day (even though there were times when an 8 hour shopping day got her a little cranky). She was SO good! She didn't quite understand the concept yet, but she helped me tear open her presents and was happy when she saw what she got. Even though she liked the wrapping paper better then all the gifts she got, I know in a couple months she will finally realize the toys are better then any of the simple things. She didn't like Santa too much this year...we tried three times. We will work on it, and hopefully next year we can get a good one of her sitting on Santa's lap with no tears.

I was hoping for more of a cooler Christmas, but it didn't happen. The weather has been insane. One day chilly and the next in the upper 80's. Let's hope it stays feeling like winter from now on. C'mon...aren't you supposed to be wearing jackets and scarves around this time? I guess not in Florida. I shouldn't be complaining...I know! One day Laila will see snow and we will make snow angels and a snowman!

Laila always loves being outside. Expecially lately will the cooler weather and the slight breeze. She loves the wind on her face. What a sweet little elf!

We had such a nice Christmas Eve-Eve opening presents. Laila woke up Christmas Eve morning and remembered all the goodies she got. She got her Happy Home dollhouse from Grandma & Grandpa along with a learning laptop, leapfrog learning toys and a bagfull of books! Uncle Barry got her Skippy the smart pup and Aunt Kristin got her Little Superstar so Laila can use her singing skills. She was spoiled and got a lot of stuff just on the 23rd. I need Grandpa to get started on her toy box. Toys are spread throughout our house and we still have a birthday coming up!

On Christmas Eve night we headed to the Little household. We gathered with family and friends and Laila got MORE gifts! Some clothes, lego building set, a purse, and even a gift card to her favorite store BabyGap!

We ate lots of food! Laila enjoyed some of the chicken parm, veggies, and bread for dinner. Then afterwards heading straight for the candy canes. Maybe she has a sweet tooth like her mom. I don't think there is anything she won't eat.

Laila waited patiently to open the presents under the tree from others. She was playing with the ornaments and laughing at everything. She loves being around her cousins Kaitlyn, Landon, and Lianna and other kids. If I'm around she has major seperation anxiety. She is now getting into the sweet cuddly stage again, where she puts her head on your shoulder and pats you on the back. SO cute! She used to be Miss Independant and didn't want to even be held. She is still crawling around like a mad baby and standing herself up on everything. She is almost trusting standing on her own. She lets go and stands for a couple seconds. I'm just waiting for the day when she just walks right over to me. With how strong she is I thought that day would be here already. But my goodness the poor girl has all four top teeth coming in at once...ouch! One broke through and we are just waiting on the others...I feel them!

We enjoyed our Christmas early morning...just the 3 of us (plus the dogs.) Santa brought Laila a couple gifts this year. We told him to give more to the bigger kids since she already has so much and doesn't quite understand yet. We told him next year he can give a little more. Plus with a birthday a month away and all that we buy her throughout the year, Santa understood.

She was so happy with the book and bath toys Santa brought her and the Radio Flyer buggy mama and dada got her. We opened up gifts that were sent to us from family out of town.

We went to Gramma and Papou's house at about 10 Christmas morning to have a breakfast and open gifts. Laila got lots in her stocking, some clothes and a princess ride along toy that she loved! She got to hang out with her cousins Joshua and Leah. We went for a walk with Papa Guy and Gramma Et and enjoyed some eggnog, cinnamon rolls, and breakfast casserole.

Laila was having some daddy time watching the Disney Christmas parade until it was time to go to my parents house. Laila got her presents from Great Aunt Ann and GiGi and Great Grandpa Ken. She got lots of outfits and even some money. The day after Christmas Jason gave me my gift which came a little late. It was a Tiffany & Co. "L" necklace that I have been wanting. "L" is for Laila and when she is older I will pass it on to her to wear. But until then I will cherish it and wear it.

This Christmas was so special. I don't know were the year went but also I don't even remember last year. All I remember is that I could barely walk because I had so much water weight and was ready to pop. These past two years have been the best and longest years of my life. Being pregnant and going through a labor and now here at the end of 2009. Laila is now 11 months and I can not believe it. 2009 had it's ups and downs, but it has been the best because our baby girl was with us through all of it. We look forward to 2010 and feel that it is going to be a great year. We have lots to look forward too this upcoming year and who knows maybe even try for a brother or sister for Laila...maybe. :)
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