We are only a little over 2 weeks away from the due date and I am 1 centimeter dilated. Laila still hasn't dropped all the way. She has got to be about 7 lbs already from what I have been keeping track of since the last sonogram. I thought for sure that she would be here earlier, but now I am thinking she is going to hold out until her due date. At this point, I am ready. I got all our bags packed besides the every day uses and her carseat is all buckled in the car. I am waiting on some online orders for her nursery to arrive. The closer we have gotten the more I haven't been stressing about her room. We will complete it when we feel like it. Right now I am just resting and sleeping while I can. How much more lazy can I get? And now I have a cold from the weather changing everyday. I'm just thankful I am not working and have the chance to not do a thing if I didn't want to. To bad hubbie is so busy working, we could be engaged in those activities that bring on labor. I have been doing my squats and walking a lot so hopefully this will help also. For now, it's just a waiting game. We are just sitting around until our baby girl is ready to come into the world.
Oh! and we found out that Laila will have a little girl cousin to grow up with and be best friends! Only 4 months apart from eachother. How exciting!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
it's close.
As you may know my legs, ankles, and feet have been swollen these past couple weeks, which has been causing me lots of discomfort. This didn't stop me from going out shopping or doing things around the house. I think I overdid it and really wore my body out. Jason and my family have been so helpful with this. They make me go lay down or kick my feet up to reduce the swelling. Everytime I go to help with anything or stand up they tell me to go sit down.
This Christmas we were so fortunate with the many gifts we got. Laila once again made out like a bandit and she hasn't arrived yet. We feel so lucky to have our family. They help us out with so much. My mommy is coming over tomorrow to literally tear the house apart and clean top to bottom so I don't have to be on my feet. I want everything disinfected before Laila arrives. Jason's mom is constantly sending over food for us. Anything we need our family would drop everything.
This stage of pregnancy is very difficult and I feel worthless. I am not sleeping throughout the night (I can barely roll over without wanting to cry), my stomach seems to constantly be upset, my back kills, I'm breaking out like crazy and its making me feel so disgusting...oh and did I mention I have kankles? Every day that passes you wonder if your going to go into labor. I have one little cramp and I say "is this it?" Any moan of discomfort I make or "owe" sound, hubbie says "are you ok?" He is so good to me, if I want pickles and ice cream (which no I have not craved at all...well not together anyways), he would go and get it. Everything is coming into play now. This too shall pass, and Laila will be here. Then I get to deal with all new experiences...breast engorgement, feedings every 2 hours...I'm looking forward to it, no matter how nervous or scared I am. Life is a blessing, and we are so fortunate. I can't say it enough.
This Christmas we were so fortunate with the many gifts we got. Laila once again made out like a bandit and she hasn't arrived yet. We feel so lucky to have our family. They help us out with so much. My mommy is coming over tomorrow to literally tear the house apart and clean top to bottom so I don't have to be on my feet. I want everything disinfected before Laila arrives. Jason's mom is constantly sending over food for us. Anything we need our family would drop everything.
This stage of pregnancy is very difficult and I feel worthless. I am not sleeping throughout the night (I can barely roll over without wanting to cry), my stomach seems to constantly be upset, my back kills, I'm breaking out like crazy and its making me feel so disgusting...oh and did I mention I have kankles? Every day that passes you wonder if your going to go into labor. I have one little cramp and I say "is this it?" Any moan of discomfort I make or "owe" sound, hubbie says "are you ok?" He is so good to me, if I want pickles and ice cream (which no I have not craved at all...well not together anyways), he would go and get it. Everything is coming into play now. This too shall pass, and Laila will be here. Then I get to deal with all new experiences...breast engorgement, feedings every 2 hours...I'm looking forward to it, no matter how nervous or scared I am. Life is a blessing, and we are so fortunate. I can't say it enough.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
my christmas hams.
I think out of all the inconvenient things of pregnancy, this is by far one of the most. Yea, the belly gets in the way at this stage, but my feet and ankles feel like they are going to pop. I have so much fluid that I can barely walk for long amounts of time. Any chance I get they are raised (even when we are out to dinner...some manners huh?) All I have to say is how do these obese people do it? I never thought my footsies would swell...it's not so attractive and I'm used to my long, little skinny chicken legs. Aw well...soon enough my body will be back to normal and done doing these nasty changes. Now that Christmas is right around the corner (which by the way remind me to plan better on not being this pregnant around the holidays), I will have a chance to kick back with my feet up. Take little breaks here and there to get things done around the nest. I'm really not in a panic anymore (just got a little nerves)...things will get done. Even if she comes before they do, we have such wonderful friends and family to help us. No worries from this soon to be mama. I'm at the point were I just want her out of the womb and home with us.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Laila is starting to pop on through. I am a fingertip dilated. Dr. Marks was able to feel her head. This was my first cervix check and it's not fun. The doc asked all my concerns...and of course I told him how I am now getting nervous. He is concerned with her being in the 70th percentile that I might not be able to push her out considering how "tiny" I am down there (like you really needed to know that, but when your pregnant you seem to be a little more open with things). This doesn't nessicarily mean I will need to have a c-section, but I think he was kind of preparing me for if I do. He said we will see how everything goes, but I am doing just fine. To bring on labor I need to walk around more and have lots of sex to soften the cervix (no complaints from the hubbie galary). This could help the labor come naturally which is what I would prefer, but if having a c-section is what will have to happen then that's what will have to be done. I do know that an epi will be for me. I feel like I am whining over the pain I am going through now. She will come when she is ready. It's all out of my control and in God's hands. We just want her here healthy. Miss Laila is still hanging in there for a couple weeks though.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
one month from today.
Laila should be here in one month. My premonition is it is going to be a little sooner. She feels extremely heavy and she is now starting to drop. I will find out at my doctor's appointment on Thursday if I am dilated at all. I cannot believe how close we are to seeing our little bundle of joy. I am now officially done with work and am able to get so much done to prepare for her arrival (even though my laziness gets in the way a lot of the time.) Hub and I get more and more anxious the closer it gets. We are just ready to have her here and start making memories with our precious daughter.

Monday, December 8, 2008

I love our new camera! Like I needed a new one since hub bought me my snazzy pink one two years ago, but we went to International Mall to stop by the sony store to figure out why my camera was giving me problems (probably because I dropped it a couple times). They tried looking at it and they said there was nothing they could do unless I wanted to send it in and spend money. So instead hubbie wanted to look at some new ones. He knew I wasn't happy with the way it was taking pictures, and I was concerned since I will be taking a million of them when Laila is here. Jason found me wondering to the huge hightech photography cams...no way was that happening. So we decided on the newest Sony HD, super steady, cybershot, titanium coating...haha...like I care about all that...just let it take amazing pictures. No special color this time...for some reason I got sick of the pink, so the standard titanium color worked for me. But it is amazing the purty colors they have out now for cameras. I am a picture crazed maniac, so I am sooo excited to use it and get some great pictures! You bet you will be seeing a lot of them within the next couple months.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
ehhh. pain, pain go away.
I am so uncomfortable I can barely take it. I can't sit for a long amount of time without feeling bad pains in my sides, back, and right below my milk jugs. When I drive I sit there squirming. All I want to do is stretch out. She seems to be hanging out in my ribs causing me so much discomfort. I feel better when I am walking around but I need to keep my feet up more because they are turning into christmas hams! I don't have much of an appetite because I constantly feel like I am going to explode. I run out of breath so easily. I just want her to drop so I can finally be able to have a conversation without feeling like I am having an asthma attack. There is no way for me to get into a comfortable position in bed. And if by chance I do I have to roll myself out of bed in the middle of the night to use the bathroom a hundred times. I need to start sleeping in the bathtub...the pain goes away when I am sitting in a nice warm bath. Plus I will be a lot closer to the toilet.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
laila time.
It seems the closer we get to the big day the busier and more lazy I feel.
Yesterday we got to have some fun with our photographer Jaimee Ponce. She captured some beautiful pictures of us and my belly bump. We had such a great time being all silly together! Our pictures will be up soon for everyone to view. In a couple months we get to do it all over again...but this time as a family with our little Laila. yay!
After all the excitement from our shoot and having a yummy dinner with my pookie, we went home to cuddle in bed and watch a movie. I laid there all relaxed and comfortable, when all of a sudden I felt so nauseous, crampy, and my tummy was hardening. It was excruciating pain. No...not going into labor yet, just having those fun Braxton Hicks contractions. I am starting to get a lot more of them now that I am getting closer. I keep telling myself to suck it up...this isn't even the worse of it. The pain comes from out of no where. Let's just hope that my water breaks naturally, so I know...ok this is the real deal. It's Laila time!
I met with the anesthesiologist this morning before my doctor's appointment. Everything is all set just in case I decide that I can't handle the pain. Somehow...the epi looks more painful then anything else. I won't be able to get out of bed or do anything once they do it. I even would have to have a catheder in. eeek...try telling someone this who has never been admitted into a hospital. But we will see...I can barely handle the pain I have been going through lately...so I'm sure I will be screaming out "give me drugs!" I keep telling myself i'm going to have an easy labor...even with Laila being a little over the normal percentile. The little chunkamunk will all be worth it. No more easy stuff after you hit the 34 week mark. Doctor's appointment's aren't just to check your weight, bp, and baby's heartbeat...it's now the joys of checking your cervix to see how dialted you are. Oh the joys of pregnancy, but somehow I know I'm going to miss feeling her kicking and being so close to me when she comes.
Oh...best of all! One more week of work left! Thank goodness considering I still have so much to prep for her arrival. My laziness lately has caused me to get nothing done!
Yesterday we got to have some fun with our photographer Jaimee Ponce. She captured some beautiful pictures of us and my belly bump. We had such a great time being all silly together! Our pictures will be up soon for everyone to view. In a couple months we get to do it all over again...but this time as a family with our little Laila. yay!
After all the excitement from our shoot and having a yummy dinner with my pookie, we went home to cuddle in bed and watch a movie. I laid there all relaxed and comfortable, when all of a sudden I felt so nauseous, crampy, and my tummy was hardening. It was excruciating pain. No...not going into labor yet, just having those fun Braxton Hicks contractions. I am starting to get a lot more of them now that I am getting closer. I keep telling myself to suck it up...this isn't even the worse of it. The pain comes from out of no where. Let's just hope that my water breaks naturally, so I know...ok this is the real deal. It's Laila time!
I met with the anesthesiologist this morning before my doctor's appointment. Everything is all set just in case I decide that I can't handle the pain. Somehow...the epi looks more painful then anything else. I won't be able to get out of bed or do anything once they do it. I even would have to have a catheder in. eeek...try telling someone this who has never been admitted into a hospital. But we will see...I can barely handle the pain I have been going through lately...so I'm sure I will be screaming out "give me drugs!" I keep telling myself i'm going to have an easy labor...even with Laila being a little over the normal percentile. The little chunkamunk will all be worth it. No more easy stuff after you hit the 34 week mark. Doctor's appointment's aren't just to check your weight, bp, and baby's heartbeat...it's now the joys of checking your cervix to see how dialted you are. Oh the joys of pregnancy, but somehow I know I'm going to miss feeling her kicking and being so close to me when she comes.
Oh...best of all! One more week of work left! Thank goodness considering I still have so much to prep for her arrival. My laziness lately has caused me to get nothing done!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
cry baby.
As always...the moosh that I am I get all emotional around the holidays, and it doesn't help this year that my hormones are doing some wacky things. I can't help but think of how truly blessed I am to have such wonderful family and friends. A life that is pretty close to perfect for only being 25 years old. A husband who works so hard for our future, a beautiful house that we have now been in for almost four years, our koda and mikki who show us so much love, two businesses that have taught us a lot, a daughter on the way, and family that would do anything for us. My life is filled with such great memories and it is a blessing.
As time is creeping up on Laila's arrival, I can't help but think of how wonderful life is going to be. Yea...maybe a little crazy at first, but we are going to have our own little creation and person to take care of. That will look up to us and show us unconditional love. I can't wait to hear her first cry and hold her in my arms for the first time. Only a little over 6 weeks to go, and its down to crunch time. Now we just have the finishing touches to be done on her room. Even though we are still awaiting her crib, I am trying not to stress. Only two more weeks of work and I will have more time to do more of my nesting. That's if I can get some energy back...I have been in some pain due to her hiding out in my ribs and being a little kicking monster. It's causing really bad side and backpains. I get sharp pains near my sternum. My tummy hurts a lot lately, try using the bathroom, and it's just gas. This part is just so uncomfortable and causes a lot of discomfort. I woke up one night with such bad stomach pains, I thought I could possibly be having contractions. Nope...just more gas! How much fiber do I have to take in order for a proper bm to come out? For so long I have been saying that I can wait, I'm not ready yet...but days of pain like that, I keep saying...let's just get her out already.
As time is creeping up on Laila's arrival, I can't help but think of how wonderful life is going to be. Yea...maybe a little crazy at first, but we are going to have our own little creation and person to take care of. That will look up to us and show us unconditional love. I can't wait to hear her first cry and hold her in my arms for the first time. Only a little over 6 weeks to go, and its down to crunch time. Now we just have the finishing touches to be done on her room. Even though we are still awaiting her crib, I am trying not to stress. Only two more weeks of work and I will have more time to do more of my nesting. That's if I can get some energy back...I have been in some pain due to her hiding out in my ribs and being a little kicking monster. It's causing really bad side and backpains. I get sharp pains near my sternum. My tummy hurts a lot lately, try using the bathroom, and it's just gas. This part is just so uncomfortable and causes a lot of discomfort. I woke up one night with such bad stomach pains, I thought I could possibly be having contractions. Nope...just more gas! How much fiber do I have to take in order for a proper bm to come out? For so long I have been saying that I can wait, I'm not ready yet...but days of pain like that, I keep saying...let's just get her out already.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
doctors, pediatricians, and ultrasound techs...oh my!
We have hit that 33 week mark and this week has been filled with appointments. Once again I had my bi-weekly check with the doc. Everything went smoothly...except I put on 5 lbs in a matter of 2 weeks. I have had a little swelling in my ankles and feet, so the nurse said that could have something to do with it. I have now gained a total of 26 lbs. I was told to put my feet up every chance I get to help reduce the swelling (try telling someone that who always has to be on her feet doing something). I think I am listening this time...because surprise surprise...it seems to help. My kankles are almost back to normal.
We got to sit down with Laila's pediatrician, Dr. Alvarez. We have met him before and just knew we would go with him since he is part of Laila's papou's practice. He asked our concerns and informed us on the normal things that will happen when she arrives. Again...like I say everytime...it was so surreal. I got a little teary eyed as always. I got into thinking about in less then 2 months we will be changing her stinky, wet diapers and holding her in our arms. And soon, our lives will do a total turn and our creation will be here. We can't wait!
Today was our sonogram day. We have been so lucky to get to see Laila so much with all the sonograms we have had. This one was to check her weight and make sure everything was still on schedule since my bump was measuring 3 weeks early. There is no worries...I am still on schedule for january 16th and will go full term just as long as everything stays like it is. Our sonotech Rhonda told us by tomorrow we will have a 5 lb turkey roasting for thanksgiving! Laila weighs as of today 4.93 lbs. and is in the 70th percentile. I have extra fluid in my belly and that is leaving her so much room to wiggle around, which is why I can feel her so much. Her heart rate was great and she is content and happy as can be. She has the perfect little head, a precious smile, and daddy's lips. Rhonda looked at me and said you have nothing to worry about, you will have an easy labor. Somehow when she kept saying the word perfect it made me feel so much better. She is fantastic! The extra fluid in my belly will help me go right back down to size after the birth. I am greatful as it is that I have no stretch marks (knock on wood). It's amazing how the techs can give you an approximate weight of the baby at birth. She told us 7 lbs 11, 12, 13 oz....around there. I think I can handle that! We are just so greatful for her being healthy and can't wait for our beautiful girl to be here.
We got to sit down with Laila's pediatrician, Dr. Alvarez. We have met him before and just knew we would go with him since he is part of Laila's papou's practice. He asked our concerns and informed us on the normal things that will happen when she arrives. Again...like I say everytime...it was so surreal. I got a little teary eyed as always. I got into thinking about in less then 2 months we will be changing her stinky, wet diapers and holding her in our arms. And soon, our lives will do a total turn and our creation will be here. We can't wait!
Today was our sonogram day. We have been so lucky to get to see Laila so much with all the sonograms we have had. This one was to check her weight and make sure everything was still on schedule since my bump was measuring 3 weeks early. There is no worries...I am still on schedule for january 16th and will go full term just as long as everything stays like it is. Our sonotech Rhonda told us by tomorrow we will have a 5 lb turkey roasting for thanksgiving! Laila weighs as of today 4.93 lbs. and is in the 70th percentile. I have extra fluid in my belly and that is leaving her so much room to wiggle around, which is why I can feel her so much. Her heart rate was great and she is content and happy as can be. She has the perfect little head, a precious smile, and daddy's lips. Rhonda looked at me and said you have nothing to worry about, you will have an easy labor. Somehow when she kept saying the word perfect it made me feel so much better. She is fantastic! The extra fluid in my belly will help me go right back down to size after the birth. I am greatful as it is that I have no stretch marks (knock on wood). It's amazing how the techs can give you an approximate weight of the baby at birth. She told us 7 lbs 11, 12, 13 oz....around there. I think I can handle that! We are just so greatful for her being healthy and can't wait for our beautiful girl to be here.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
think pink pepto.
Laila's room is finally painted! We absolutely love it! It's bright and fabulous. Here is just a sneak peek...but you will have to wait to see the rest. We are still waiting on some furniture to come. I still have yet to figure out were we will be sitting when we have those late night feedings. The search has begun on for a rug and I think I found the perfect one. We are working on a special Laila wall hanging. But it's all fun from here. The decorating is my specialty. I want everything to be completed before she arrives, which now from my last blog you probably realized could be sooner then later. But no worries...she will be in our room for a good month or so before she even uses her room. Stay tuned for the finishing product because this is all your going to get for now.
Hubbie painting away!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Today was a big day...Laila had her photoshoot. Well the one she will remember. Last week she was sleeping the entire time we went. It was a good thing the dvd player decided not to work. So we got to go back and experience it all over again. This time I prepared myself. I made sure to have a cup of caffienated coffee to wake her up a bit, and did it work. It was amazing seeing her in action. She was yawning, had the hiccups, and was enjoying mama and dada watching her. Of course the emotional mush I am I started crying when I first saw her and they turned on the sappy daughter music. It's an indescribable feeling.
Now for a bit of a shock...I had a check today with Dr. Marks. My blood pressure was fine, gained another pound which is normal. Now I have gained a total of 21 lbs. I am now measuring 3 weeks earlier then my due date! Which could possibly mean a Christmas baby. Oh no! I was SO not ready for that. The doctor set me up for an ultrasound the day before Thanksgiving to check the weight. I get in my car, call hubbie, and start crying. I was a little freaked out because there is so much we have left to do (at least I get to blame it on the hormones) Our childbirth class is scheduled for December 14th! If i'm 3 weeks early then expected that means we could possibly have Laila 2 weeks after our class...ahh! Good thing we did our hospital tour month's back because seeing the beautiful rooms really helps calm you down. Let's just hope Laila won't be so big were I have to have a c-section. I was 6 lbs 8 oz. and Jason was 10 lbs. Let's just hope she will be in between that and she is healthy. She is in perfect position. Keep you posted on the appointment I have in 2 weeks. I need a little feng shui in my life.
Enjoy Laila Gianna's snapshots!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
celebrating my belliness.
Laila's shower was so beautiful! My sister did an amazing job. I can not believe the assembly line of gifts that I had to open. She is already so blessed and loved by so many. Our family and friends make us feel so blessed! Laila's room is fully covered and her closet is so full. Everyone brought a book instead of a card so we have her book collection started. We have already started reading to her in utero and she is loving it! Now that the shower is over...we have many projects to work on. So stay tuned for Laila's photoshoot and nursery pictures!
Thanks for everyone who made our shower so special! We couldn't ask for better friends and family. xoxo!
Thanks for everyone who made our shower so special! We couldn't ask for better friends and family. xoxo!

the Laila in a pod cake.
Monday, October 20, 2008
laila, laila, laila!
Laila is moving so much. Now it is to the point were you can actually see her elbow or foot when you look at my tummy. It's a weird feeling...like your tummy hardens, you look down and see a little formation poking out like an alien. I get scared to touch it because it feels so weird ha! I kept telling her please stop moving so much! I sing "you are my sunshine" to her to calm her down. she wants to come out already. and I don't blame her. But sorry Laila...mama's not ready yet.
We finally transferred all the guest room furniture out of her room. So it's empty besides the changer and swing that we put together last night. We were so excited to have the crib all together and it came in damaged. So now I was stressing that the furniture isn't good quality and we spent so much mulla on it. I am such a nitpicker when it comes to furniture...I need to just calm myself. So we now have to wait for the crib and dresser. Maybe it's a good thing since we still have to paint. Hubbie and I laughed so hard last night. It took us a good 45 minutes to install the swing we received from some friends up north. We couldn't figure out how to clip on one part. Jason looked at me and said...we can barely do this and we are going to be parents in 3 months!? It was so surreal putting our peanuts things together. The dogs were a little baffled. But they probably won't understand until she arrives home. Just counting down the days. keep ya posted.
here is the infamous swing....
We finally transferred all the guest room furniture out of her room. So it's empty besides the changer and swing that we put together last night. We were so excited to have the crib all together and it came in damaged. So now I was stressing that the furniture isn't good quality and we spent so much mulla on it. I am such a nitpicker when it comes to furniture...I need to just calm myself. So we now have to wait for the crib and dresser. Maybe it's a good thing since we still have to paint. Hubbie and I laughed so hard last night. It took us a good 45 minutes to install the swing we received from some friends up north. We couldn't figure out how to clip on one part. Jason looked at me and said...we can barely do this and we are going to be parents in 3 months!? It was so surreal putting our peanuts things together. The dogs were a little baffled. But they probably won't understand until she arrives home. Just counting down the days. keep ya posted.
here is the infamous swing....
Saturday, October 18, 2008
entering the third trimester.
I can remember clear as can be the day I found out I was pregnant. I was about a week late, but didn't want to take a test because I knew I have been through this before. All the disappointments after 6 months of trying. This saturday morning was different. Two lines appeared this time. My heart was pounding and I couldn't believe it...like really I had to pinch myself. I was freaking out! Jason was sleeping and I had to work so I just left and headed for CVS to purchase another test to make sure. I arrived at work and Fran saw me glowing and she knew exactly what I was glowing about. She made me go in the bathroom to take the other test. This time it wasn't the 2 lines...it actually said pregnant! I don't think there is a word that describes how I was feeling. Later that night I told Jason.
Now I am a little over 27 weeks...time is flying! I have been very fortunate so far with an easy pregnancy. I have the backpain and the discomfort. But never really got sick. Yesterday I had the braxton hicks contractions...or so I think from reading all 20 pregnancy books i own. Sharp pains shooting down the vj? yea...i think thats it.
I feel like there isn't enough time in the day. I'm am being extremely obsessive about making room in the house. Her room still needs to be painted and her crib and changing table have already arrived. And now that I can almost officially say I'm in the 3rd trimester scares the heck out of me. It's almost here. Sometimes I feel ready and other times I am just terrified to even think about it. I try to focus on the exciting things. The shower, Laila's nursery, and when I get to see that little face everyday.
I am going to be a mommy! How weird does that sound? Remember when you were a little girl and all you wanted to do was play house and you had your own baby. I am actually going to be living that. Then my little girl will be doing the exact same thing. It's such a beautiful thing.
Now I am a little over 27 weeks...time is flying! I have been very fortunate so far with an easy pregnancy. I have the backpain and the discomfort. But never really got sick. Yesterday I had the braxton hicks contractions...or so I think from reading all 20 pregnancy books i own. Sharp pains shooting down the vj? yea...i think thats it.
I feel like there isn't enough time in the day. I'm am being extremely obsessive about making room in the house. Her room still needs to be painted and her crib and changing table have already arrived. And now that I can almost officially say I'm in the 3rd trimester scares the heck out of me. It's almost here. Sometimes I feel ready and other times I am just terrified to even think about it. I try to focus on the exciting things. The shower, Laila's nursery, and when I get to see that little face everyday.
I am going to be a mommy! How weird does that sound? Remember when you were a little girl and all you wanted to do was play house and you had your own baby. I am actually going to be living that. Then my little girl will be doing the exact same thing. It's such a beautiful thing.
Monday, October 13, 2008
i'm in a frenzy!
i'm ready to redecorate.
have my baby shower.
complete the nursery.
have laila be here.
i'm soooo overjoyed with excitement!
have my baby shower.
complete the nursery.
have laila be here.
i'm soooo overjoyed with excitement!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
10 things that put my panties in a wod.

1. can't eat any fish because of the damn mercury (not fair...of course we are going to crave this), i'm tired of eating chicken!
2. can't go to fun events with friends like halloween horror nights because you get worried someone will bump your belly or you will get so terrified you'll pee your pants (our bladders can only take so much...you can't even sneeze without a little leakage) There is always the option of a wheelchair...but what fun is that?
3. can't go jogging to try and keep yourself in shape because your belly just weighs ya down. You have to stick to the indoor stretching, yoga, or just fast paced walking. Walking the dogs seems to be the extent of my exercise plan.
4. can't consume alcoholic beverages. period. why the heck not...haven't we suffered enough. Even with breastfeeding you can't drink that much. You have your limits. Yea...i know makes me sound like an alcoholic. Our hubbies tend to do enough drinking for the both of us during pregnancy.
5. can't lift anything heavy. We have too much to do around the house to prepare for the little one. Which means getting all crazy and stepping on ladders to reach the highest shelf in the closet.
6. can't enjoy a day off of work because you are at the doctor's office most of the day. Getting checked and poked with needles.
7. can't see your hoohah unless you have a mirror infront of you. Makes things a little more difficult to clean up...you get my point.
8. can't wair those fabulous pairs of heels anymore. You can, but trust me at this point your back is killing you and all you want to throw on is a pair of flops.
9. can't move as fast as you used to. Now I know how the old folks feel.
10. can't sleep a full night because your either peeing, back hurts, or the baby wakes you up. And now days of sleeping on your back are over. Side sleeping is the only option...so they say.
oh...and one more thing...can't even have a functional brain.
Some advice for all you fellow preggers or planning on becoming prego...invest in this book.
Friday, October 10, 2008
3 things.
little britainusa on hbo is hilarious!!! see for yourself.
my brother is hanging with Screech from Saved by the Bell tonight...jealous! I wanted to be the one who asks him how Zack Morris is doing.
and my poor little man Koda just threw up all over the bed. I thought I would be able to just take the comforter off and be good. No...never that easy, it soaked all the way through to the sheets. So now at 8pm at night I have to strip the bed, wash the sheets and disinfect everything. No more soup bones for my little mooshman.
Gosh...this is just the beginning. I'll be up in the middle of the nights changing poopy diapers and god knows what other bodly fluids from Laila.
my brother is hanging with Screech from Saved by the Bell tonight...jealous! I wanted to be the one who asks him how Zack Morris is doing.
and my poor little man Koda just threw up all over the bed. I thought I would be able to just take the comforter off and be good. No...never that easy, it soaked all the way through to the sheets. So now at 8pm at night I have to strip the bed, wash the sheets and disinfect everything. No more soup bones for my little mooshman.
Gosh...this is just the beginning. I'll be up in the middle of the nights changing poopy diapers and god knows what other bodly fluids from Laila.
Monday, October 6, 2008
updates on the prego life.
I must say I have had a really easy pregnancy considering some of these horrid stories I have heard. A little nausea in the beginning but never got sick were I was hoovering over the toilet feeling like I was going to die. I wasn't able to barely eat, besides the occassional saltine or ensure drink to get something in my tummy. No one could even tell I was pregnant until the last month. So far so good with the stretch marks (keeping up everyday with my palmer's cocoa butter), no linea nigra, no nasty skin lesions, no excessive weight gain (except for the 10 lbs. I put on in a matter of one month! but let me get to that later.) I mean everything has seemed to be going perfectly. And just to know that everytime we go to the doctors (which is now like twice a month) the doc informs us our baby girl is healthy and moving like the next michael phelps makes us extremely happy. Laila Gianna (yep...we finally named her and were too impatient to wait to tell anyone) has been non stop in my belly. It's such an indescribable feeling! And now Jason get's to feel her all the time. In the beginning, I would be sitting in the next room screaming at him to come and put his hands on my belly bump so he could feel her. He couldn't feel anything...it's like she stopped once she knew daddy wanted to feel. Then this past week he got to feel her kicking and punching every night. Daddy's face just lit up! "ooooh god...that's so weird" he says. Yea...try carrying her and feeling her all day and night. She wakes me up and everytime after I eat she is moving like there is an alien taking over my body. You can now see my bump move a little. I get the occassional cramps...which worry me because they say that can be a sign of early labor. Then I think "oh its probably just gas." I miss being able to lay on my belly to make the pain go away. The headaches are finally gone, but now it made its way to my back! The maternity massage last week helped for about a day. These past couple weeks I have had the pain under my ginormous boobies. I can't cough without it hurting. It's harder to breathe. And the nasty taste of acid indigestion...bring on the tums! I wouldn't trade these feelings in for anything.
The start of Laila's nursery has begun. We got her closet done. So much more space. But still have the clutter of her stroller, swing, and all the other gifts she has gotten already. And we haven't had the shower yet. Not to mention we still have all the guest room furniture in there that needs to be moved over to the other bedroom, but can't be done until I call people to pick it up. I'm procrastinating...i know! We still have to paint (but are going to hold off until I get the bedding that is ordered online). The furniture will be ordered within the next week and then it will all come together. I want everything to be done before she gets here. Even though she will be sleeping in our room for a good 2 months. I think my nestyness gets me crazy. I need to just sit back and relax. I am a cleaning machine...probably doing more then I should be being 25 weeks pregnant. I just feel like there is not enough time. The holidays will be here and past and before ya know it the Laila that I have been carrying for 9 months will be here! Thank goodness for family...always here to help!
I got my checklist of appointments and things to schedule. Made the prenatal appt with the pediatrician today...so that's one thing checked off the baby do list. I have doctor appointments every other week it seems. So, my appointment on Friday made me upset and nervous. The nurse did the usual routine of taking my blood pressure and weight. When she weighed me her face didn't look to reassuring when she was doing the math. I asked her how much I gained total as of now. 18 lbs! ok...now that sounds like a ton of weight to me...but everyone I talked to said how lucky I am. The nurse said I gained a lot in a matter of a month. Well duh! My bump just popped out a lot in a matter of a month, of course I'm going to put on a lot this time in the pregnancy. She said I am still under the normal weight. Now Laila is gaining all her fat...so it's time to stop eating the late night junk food and loaded nachos! But my belly is the only weight gained. My arms and legs are still kimmy skinny. The hormones take over and I start to cry saying I'm fat...I hate that picture of me. This week I didn't meet with Dr. Marks, I met with another doctor in the practice. She sat with me asking me what they ask me every week. "How are you feeling?" Then plops you up on the table to check the heartbeat. It took her a good 5 minutes to find the heartbeat. I starting getting worried. Every other time they would place it on the exact spot and you heard it right away. Every place she put the doppler it was me...my tummy noises. Laila wasn't cooperating! I then felt her moving like crazy. She was moving around so much she couldn't keep the doppler on her heartbeat. With all these scary stories I have been hearing of people loosing their babies freaks me out and breaks my heart. I can't even imagine.
God and our loved ones in the heaven's are watching over us. Only 100 days to go and as nervous as I am...I am sooo excited!! I can't wait to meet her!
The start of Laila's nursery has begun. We got her closet done. So much more space. But still have the clutter of her stroller, swing, and all the other gifts she has gotten already. And we haven't had the shower yet. Not to mention we still have all the guest room furniture in there that needs to be moved over to the other bedroom, but can't be done until I call people to pick it up. I'm procrastinating...i know! We still have to paint (but are going to hold off until I get the bedding that is ordered online). The furniture will be ordered within the next week and then it will all come together. I want everything to be done before she gets here. Even though she will be sleeping in our room for a good 2 months. I think my nestyness gets me crazy. I need to just sit back and relax. I am a cleaning machine...probably doing more then I should be being 25 weeks pregnant. I just feel like there is not enough time. The holidays will be here and past and before ya know it the Laila that I have been carrying for 9 months will be here! Thank goodness for family...always here to help!
I got my checklist of appointments and things to schedule. Made the prenatal appt with the pediatrician today...so that's one thing checked off the baby do list. I have doctor appointments every other week it seems. So, my appointment on Friday made me upset and nervous. The nurse did the usual routine of taking my blood pressure and weight. When she weighed me her face didn't look to reassuring when she was doing the math. I asked her how much I gained total as of now. 18 lbs! ok...now that sounds like a ton of weight to me...but everyone I talked to said how lucky I am. The nurse said I gained a lot in a matter of a month. Well duh! My bump just popped out a lot in a matter of a month, of course I'm going to put on a lot this time in the pregnancy. She said I am still under the normal weight. Now Laila is gaining all her fat...so it's time to stop eating the late night junk food and loaded nachos! But my belly is the only weight gained. My arms and legs are still kimmy skinny. The hormones take over and I start to cry saying I'm fat...I hate that picture of me. This week I didn't meet with Dr. Marks, I met with another doctor in the practice. She sat with me asking me what they ask me every week. "How are you feeling?" Then plops you up on the table to check the heartbeat. It took her a good 5 minutes to find the heartbeat. I starting getting worried. Every other time they would place it on the exact spot and you heard it right away. Every place she put the doppler it was me...my tummy noises. Laila wasn't cooperating! I then felt her moving like crazy. She was moving around so much she couldn't keep the doppler on her heartbeat. With all these scary stories I have been hearing of people loosing their babies freaks me out and breaks my heart. I can't even imagine.
God and our loved ones in the heaven's are watching over us. Only 100 days to go and as nervous as I am...I am sooo excited!! I can't wait to meet her!
Friday, September 12, 2008
time flies when your busy and prego.
It's been too long since I have updated you on our busy lives. It has been completely insane. Every chance I get I am nesting around the house, on baby websites, or reading up on baby books. The seconds trimester is already come and gone. I felt pretty good but still could never get enough sleep. We found out it's a girl! And we couldn't be more thrilled. When the sono tech turned to us and said we were having a daughter I started crying! We are now getting the nursery together. Our furniture is picked out, names are in the works (we think we might have compromised on one!), all the big stuff seems to be complete. I went to my breastfeeding class, doing the hospital tour this weekend, and my calender keeps filling up. I am a busy body and am actually liking it. My belly bump is now a lot bigger...yet I have only gained about 8 lbs now. Our little girl is perfect and healthy in the womb right now. Everything is going perfect! Except for my bad headaches and bachaches....err!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
days go by.

I can not believe I am now into my 2nd trimester. Time is flying by! Before you know it our little pea will be here.
Things have been going well. We got to see the baby again on the 10th. It was so amazing! Peanut was jumping around in my belly. Like he/she knew we were watching. The sonogram tech said I am a week earlier then they thought. So now baby is due January 16, 2009. We will get to see the baby again on September 11th to find out the sex. My belly is popping out more and more everyday. I can no longer wear any of my old jeans or shorts. Just whatever stretchy clothes I have. I finally had some luck finding some good deals on maternity wear. Good thing for Target! ha! Our bank account will be in trouble once I go to Orlando to shop at Mall of Millenia and all the outlets. I hear they have a ton of maternity...like Gap, Ann Taylor! Ohhh my favs!
I feel so overwhelmed right now. Like there is always something I need to be doing to prepare for the baby. Things will all come together...you know me mrs. procrastinator. Not much you really can do though. Pregnant women can't do anything...you get yelled at if you lift something, you bend over to pick something up. And i don't even have my big belly yet! Still hard to believe im even carrying a little human.
Ok...enough about baby. I had a Lia Sophia party for my mom. Mom got a ton of free jewelry and I got a ton of mulla. I can't wait to get back into doing the parties again. Lord, give me more motivation and energy. Anyone wanting to book with me?
Just a quick update...until next time.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
my motherly instincts.
I am almost in my 2nd trimester. Only 1 week and 2 days to go! I hear the 2nd is the easiest...so I am looking forward to it. I will have more energy...let's only hope. I have a little belly...probably from eating everything in site. ha! I want my bump to start showing...it's so amazing!
Thursday we get to hear peanut's heartbeat. So much to look forward too! We already picked out the stroller, and once we find out what we are having at 20 weeks we will be going crazy with the shopping. My motherly duties are already kicking in. I am wanting to prepare the house and get it all "babyproofed". We had our lawn sodded so I know we will now have beautiful grass to go and be able to play outside without dragging in nasty weeds and dirt. Next...moving the guest bedroom to the computer room. Then onto the nursery. Got to move all my clothes and Jason's suits out of the closet to make room for Baby Geraci's clothes.
I feel the need to cook every night even though I tell myself when I get home I will go and lay in bed. I am about non stop until 10:30, cleaning or making some kind of food. About a week ago, I made keish (sp?) and tonight made hotdogs, mac & cheese, and beans....mixed it all together! yum! After that I cut up about 5 pounds of fruit. ha! Been craving that since I have been so dehydrated. All I have to say is thank goodness I am not going to be huge over the summer. I wouldn't be able to handle it. I am already having hot flashes as it is.
ok...night time.
Thursday we get to hear peanut's heartbeat. So much to look forward too! We already picked out the stroller, and once we find out what we are having at 20 weeks we will be going crazy with the shopping. My motherly duties are already kicking in. I am wanting to prepare the house and get it all "babyproofed". We had our lawn sodded so I know we will now have beautiful grass to go and be able to play outside without dragging in nasty weeds and dirt. Next...moving the guest bedroom to the computer room. Then onto the nursery. Got to move all my clothes and Jason's suits out of the closet to make room for Baby Geraci's clothes.
I feel the need to cook every night even though I tell myself when I get home I will go and lay in bed. I am about non stop until 10:30, cleaning or making some kind of food. About a week ago, I made keish (sp?) and tonight made hotdogs, mac & cheese, and beans....mixed it all together! yum! After that I cut up about 5 pounds of fruit. ha! Been craving that since I have been so dehydrated. All I have to say is thank goodness I am not going to be huge over the summer. I wouldn't be able to handle it. I am already having hot flashes as it is.
ok...night time.
Friday, June 13, 2008
i'm so moody. my tummy hurts. i am sleepy. can't decide if i'm hungry or stuffed. i feel fat. and i just want hubbie to get home so i can have some chocolate milk, lay in bed and have him rub my back. he is so wonderful to me.
just felt like venting about how i am feeling.
just felt like venting about how i am feeling.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Our 1st doctor's visit!
I went in the office thinking this was going to be in and out and then I can go home and relax...well that's not how it worked. We arrived at 1 pm. It started were they needed a pee sample...no big deal...I had to pee anyways. Then I headed back out to the waiting room until my name got called. 10...15...20 minutes went by and finally it was time for the doctor to see me. I went back to the room and waited for him to come in and talk with me. Another 15 minutes went by...the door opens and Dr. Marks says "I have a delivery I will be back in 45 minutes. Hang around go to the mall or something and I will be back" I decided to just wait patiently in the office since Jason had just took the car to run some errons for our store. This happens all the time...I'm sure when I am going into labor the doctor will be doing the same thing for me. Surprisingly...he was back in 30 minutes. What a guy! He started the normal routine, asking a bizzilion questions, which gets you to thinking about some scary things. You just pray that your baby will be healthy...thats all I care about! Then it was finally time to see little peanut for the first time. WOW! It really hits you all over again...You see the little heart moving....its like you don't know what to say. I'm going to be a first time mom...this stuff is all so new to me. It's amazing! Dr. Marks is a trip though...he makes it so easy.
After all the mushy stuff was over I went to go get my blood work done. I was starving at this point, had to pee, and just wanted to get home. I was tired. I'm not very good when it comes to having 7 viles of blood taken from my body. I just looked away...didn't hurt at all, but then all of a sudden I got so hot and started seeing those little black dots...my ears were ringing. I knew right then and there I was going to pass out. ha! Figures...the nurses were so sweet and got me cold towels to put on my face. What a great first experience huh?
We are 7 weeks and 1 day...give or take a day. yay!
After all the mushy stuff was over I went to go get my blood work done. I was starving at this point, had to pee, and just wanted to get home. I was tired. I'm not very good when it comes to having 7 viles of blood taken from my body. I just looked away...didn't hurt at all, but then all of a sudden I got so hot and started seeing those little black dots...my ears were ringing. I knew right then and there I was going to pass out. ha! Figures...the nurses were so sweet and got me cold towels to put on my face. What a great first experience huh?
We are 7 weeks and 1 day...give or take a day. yay!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
doing my baby thing.
I was bored and felt like searching online for diaper bags. I'm not into the need a pink bag for a girl and a blue for a boy. I want to keep it stylish and neutrel. Baby Geraci will be fashionably fabulous...and I do too! And those who are reading this i'm sure know me so well to were they know I like my designer things. Tell me whatcha think! Much more baby shopping updates to come.

The second chapter in our lives have officially begun!
We have finally had success on our Baby Freedom Project! After 6 long awaited months of trying...we are finally pregnant! I woke up last Saturday telling myself I am going to take a pregnancy test considering I was late. I was hesitate due to being afraid that it would be negative. I started crying and shaking when I saw not one...but two lines appear on the stick. I couldn't believe it. On my way to work I rushed to Walgreens to pick up another test just to make sure...this time it would say the word pregnant! When it appeared I knew that this was the real deal. I could barely wait to get home to tell Jason the news. We happened to be celebrating our anniversary that night...so it was just perfect! Jason, I and both of our families are esctatic with the news. Jason seems to be more excited then me right now since I don't have the energy to barely do anything. Just to get me out of bed in the morning is like pulling teeth. The perks of being pregnant...backpains--i just want someone to walk on my back and take the pain away, nausea---without the vomiting but who cares it still isn't fun, mood swings---jason is a saint for how he is putting up with me right now, being tired all the time---i could of gotten 12 hours of sleep and can still take a nap in the middle of the day, not having any control over your body---my boobs hurt and i am starting to feel a little pouch form, food cravings---even though i have felt so sick to wear i haven't had much of an appetite-it takes me an hour to eat a cracker, but then again all of a sudden I will want a chik fil a chicken sandwich...which hubbie will run and get for me, having to pee every hour---but i'm too lazy to get up and do it, waking up every hour in the middle of the night because your not comfortable or oh crap! I have to pee again!---i only feel comfortable when I am hugging a king size pillow like I am in the womb.
ok...but it's not all that bad. It will all be worth it. I am super excited to get the nursery together, do our baby registery at Babys R Us, picking out names, feel our baby kick for the first time, do the 4D ultrasound, have the baby shower, and just prepping for our first baby to come into the world. And for all you who are wondering...yes...we will be finding out the sex! Are you kidding...i'm too impatient to wait! I already know exactly what color schemes for the nursery for either sex. Doesn't matter either way just as long as baby Geraci is healthy.
I will be keeping a blog of the changes I am having and the updates on the doctor visits. Our first one is tomorrow and we will find out how far along I am and get to do the first ultrasound. We are thinking 7 weeks now...which will make our little peanut born January 24th. Ahhhh! It hits you all over again when you talk about it. And to be honest I can't wait to get my bump! yay!
That's all for now.
ok...but it's not all that bad. It will all be worth it. I am super excited to get the nursery together, do our baby registery at Babys R Us, picking out names, feel our baby kick for the first time, do the 4D ultrasound, have the baby shower, and just prepping for our first baby to come into the world. And for all you who are wondering...yes...we will be finding out the sex! Are you kidding...i'm too impatient to wait! I already know exactly what color schemes for the nursery for either sex. Doesn't matter either way just as long as baby Geraci is healthy.
I will be keeping a blog of the changes I am having and the updates on the doctor visits. Our first one is tomorrow and we will find out how far along I am and get to do the first ultrasound. We are thinking 7 weeks now...which will make our little peanut born January 24th. Ahhhh! It hits you all over again when you talk about it. And to be honest I can't wait to get my bump! yay!
That's all for now.
our anniversary

As each year goes by marriage just keeps getting better...This is my input on tips for a great marriage
We can still be the biggest dorks around eachother. Dance and Sing as stupid as you can.
We can't get into a fight without either one of us trying to be all serious, then just start busting out laughing.
You can do anything infront of one another...that means even going 2.
Sit in the same room and not say one word but enjoy every second you share.
You will do what eachother wants, even if you don't like it. He will come shopping (even though he doesn't want to) because he knows how much I enjoy it.
Will call eachother 50 times a day just to hear their voice.
Pray with eachother every night before bed, thanking god for how blessed we are and bringing us together.
Call eachother by cute little nicknames...like pookie, boobie, my bride, or hubbie.
You listen to eachothers music even though you may not like a certain song or artist.
You support eachother 100% in anything they do.
You will go see a movie that they want to see even though you don't want to see that chick flick or action packed drama.
You take time to talk about how your day was at work.
Rub eachothers backs before going to bed.
Take baths together.
Don't let money take over the relationship.
Go out to dinner at least once a week.
Tell eachother you love them as much as you can.
Were his shirts to bed.
Don't spend every waking moment together, cuz when you see eachother it makes those hugs and kisses that much more special.
Do housework together.
Take little trips or mini vacations with eachother as much as you can.
Buy eachother cards every once in a while to let them know you are thinking about them.
Have romantic nights...surprise eachother every so often.
Be there for one another...always!
This is what its all about...
We can still be the biggest dorks around eachother. Dance and Sing as stupid as you can.
We can't get into a fight without either one of us trying to be all serious, then just start busting out laughing.
You can do anything infront of one another...that means even going 2.
Sit in the same room and not say one word but enjoy every second you share.
You will do what eachother wants, even if you don't like it. He will come shopping (even though he doesn't want to) because he knows how much I enjoy it.
Will call eachother 50 times a day just to hear their voice.
Pray with eachother every night before bed, thanking god for how blessed we are and bringing us together.
Call eachother by cute little nicknames...like pookie, boobie, my bride, or hubbie.
You listen to eachothers music even though you may not like a certain song or artist.
You support eachother 100% in anything they do.
You will go see a movie that they want to see even though you don't want to see that chick flick or action packed drama.
You take time to talk about how your day was at work.
Rub eachothers backs before going to bed.
Take baths together.
Don't let money take over the relationship.
Go out to dinner at least once a week.
Tell eachother you love them as much as you can.
Were his shirts to bed.
Don't spend every waking moment together, cuz when you see eachother it makes those hugs and kisses that much more special.
Do housework together.
Take little trips or mini vacations with eachother as much as you can.
Buy eachother cards every once in a while to let them know you are thinking about them.
Have romantic nights...surprise eachother every so often.
Be there for one another...always!
This is what its all about...
Happy Anniversary to us! And many more to come!
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