As each year goes by marriage just keeps getting better...This is my input on tips for a great marriage
We can still be the biggest dorks around eachother. Dance and Sing as stupid as you can.
We can't get into a fight without either one of us trying to be all serious, then just start busting out laughing.
You can do anything infront of one another...that means even going 2.
Sit in the same room and not say one word but enjoy every second you share.
You will do what eachother wants, even if you don't like it. He will come shopping (even though he doesn't want to) because he knows how much I enjoy it.
Will call eachother 50 times a day just to hear their voice.
Pray with eachother every night before bed, thanking god for how blessed we are and bringing us together.
Call eachother by cute little nicknames...like pookie, boobie, my bride, or hubbie.
You listen to eachothers music even though you may not like a certain song or artist.
You support eachother 100% in anything they do.
You will go see a movie that they want to see even though you don't want to see that chick flick or action packed drama.
You take time to talk about how your day was at work.
Rub eachothers backs before going to bed.
Take baths together.
Don't let money take over the relationship.
Go out to dinner at least once a week.
Tell eachother you love them as much as you can.
Were his shirts to bed.
Don't spend every waking moment together, cuz when you see eachother it makes those hugs and kisses that much more special.
Do housework together.
Take little trips or mini vacations with eachother as much as you can.
Buy eachother cards every once in a while to let them know you are thinking about them.
Have romantic nights...surprise eachother every so often.
Be there for one another...always!
This is what its all about...
We can still be the biggest dorks around eachother. Dance and Sing as stupid as you can.
We can't get into a fight without either one of us trying to be all serious, then just start busting out laughing.
You can do anything infront of one another...that means even going 2.
Sit in the same room and not say one word but enjoy every second you share.
You will do what eachother wants, even if you don't like it. He will come shopping (even though he doesn't want to) because he knows how much I enjoy it.
Will call eachother 50 times a day just to hear their voice.
Pray with eachother every night before bed, thanking god for how blessed we are and bringing us together.
Call eachother by cute little nicknames...like pookie, boobie, my bride, or hubbie.
You listen to eachothers music even though you may not like a certain song or artist.
You support eachother 100% in anything they do.
You will go see a movie that they want to see even though you don't want to see that chick flick or action packed drama.
You take time to talk about how your day was at work.
Rub eachothers backs before going to bed.
Take baths together.
Don't let money take over the relationship.
Go out to dinner at least once a week.
Tell eachother you love them as much as you can.
Were his shirts to bed.
Don't spend every waking moment together, cuz when you see eachother it makes those hugs and kisses that much more special.
Do housework together.
Take little trips or mini vacations with eachother as much as you can.
Buy eachother cards every once in a while to let them know you are thinking about them.
Have romantic nights...surprise eachother every so often.
Be there for one another...always!
This is what its all about...
Happy Anniversary to us! And many more to come!
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