I can not believe I am now into my 2nd trimester. Time is flying by! Before you know it our little pea will be here.
Things have been going well. We got to see the baby again on the 10th. It was so amazing! Peanut was jumping around in my belly. Like he/she knew we were watching. The sonogram tech said I am a week earlier then they thought. So now baby is due January 16, 2009. We will get to see the baby again on September 11th to find out the sex. My belly is popping out more and more everyday. I can no longer wear any of my old jeans or shorts. Just whatever stretchy clothes I have. I finally had some luck finding some good deals on maternity wear. Good thing for Target! ha! Our bank account will be in trouble once I go to Orlando to shop at Mall of Millenia and all the outlets. I hear they have a ton of maternity...like Gap, Ann Taylor! Ohhh my favs!
I feel so overwhelmed right now. Like there is always something I need to be doing to prepare for the baby. Things will all come together...you know me mrs. procrastinator. Not much you really can do though. Pregnant women can't do anything...you get yelled at if you lift something, you bend over to pick something up. And i don't even have my big belly yet! Still hard to believe im even carrying a little human.
Ok...enough about baby. I had a Lia Sophia party for my mom. Mom got a ton of free jewelry and I got a ton of mulla. I can't wait to get back into doing the parties again. Lord, give me more motivation and energy. Anyone wanting to book with me?
Just a quick update...until next time.
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