Emelia June arrived on May 19, 2011 at 8:20 a.m.
Weighing 7 lbs 3 oz and 19 inches long
Emmie is healthy and perfect and so much tinier then Laila was. We knew she was going to be smaller but know that she is here she really is a little peanut. She floats in newborn clothes and diapers. She lost 10% of her body weight while in the hospital so we did have to suppliment her from the beginning like we did with Laila. I want to get some meat on those skinny bones of hers. She is so precious and such a blessing.
We woke early that morning to go to the hospital for our scheduled c-section. It is very strange knowing exactly when you are going to have your baby. We arrived at 5 a.m. for prepping and was brought to our room. We waiting patiently until 7:30 for them to bring us into the OR. Time went by and the nurses came in to get us. It wasn't what I thought would happen. They told me to get up to walk to the operating room. I thought it would be all relaxed and calm with being wheeled in and get ready there. I walked myself into the freezing cold OR and saw the itty bitty table with no padding that I had to lay on. I plopped myself up on it and sat there shivering in nervousness. I was so excited that in a few short minutes we would be meeting our second child. But also, terrified of this freaking room and what was yet to come. Even though the staff made me feel so calm it was still scary. They had me sitting on the operating table leaned over to receive my spinal. It really wasn't that bad. Just a little pinch like the IV. But all of a sudden in about 5 seconds your entire lower body starts to numb with no feeling at all. Everything was set to go, and we were just waiting on Dr. Marks to arrive. They were running a little behind schedule. I lost track of time...minutes seemed like hours to me laying on that table. I kept asking Jason if they were almost done and why is it taking so long. He was telling me it only has been 3 minutes. I felt a ton of tugging but no pain at all. It was such a crazy experience. Yea, I have had a c-section with Laila, but I was passed out. So this was totally different. Jason watched the entire thing going on and he couldn't believe how crazy it was. It's so amazing how it works. I am sitting there talking to him as my body parts are being put on my chest (yea...I know TMI, but it's how it works). I was sitting there getting so impatient and uncomfortable. Jason told me she was almost out and he saw her head. I just wanted to hear her little cry. Then, seconds later I heard a little squeaking cry and tears came down my eyes. She was finally here! I couldn't hold her right away considering they had to "put me back together", but I got to watch them clean her up and weigh her. It was perfect! I was so in love and ready to show her to her big sister.

We stayed in the hospital for 3 days and had lots of family and friends visit. The first 24 hours was a little bit of pain and exhaustion. Being hooked up to an IV, catheder, and having a drain in my incision was not comfortable. Also, having staples is so much different then having stitches like I did the last time. But it was what was best for me to heal. So it was a rough first day. Laila was a little bit confused and jealous, but I knew (or should I say hoping) that when we got home everything would go smoothly and she would transition well (which she did). I feel so complete with our family now. We love having a new baby around. Life is good and such a blessing!

Congrats kim and Jason and big Sis
Emmie is so cute!!!!!
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