As far as appointements go I still only have my monthly check ups right now until it get's into the weekly checks. I have gained a total of about 16 pounds as of this past Thursday. Miss Emelia JuneBug is doing fine! Heartbeat is healthy and all tests that have been taken came back negative. We had a sonogram about 3 weeks ago. This one was to find out the sex of the baby but we ended up finding out for sure before Christmas. Still a girl and she is perfect! Rhonda, the tech, said I have great fluid! Wonderful...does that mean kankles again for me near the end? ha! Let's hope not because that was by far the worst with laila. But I was just happy to hear that it sounds like we will have another healthy baby...we pray everynight. For the most part I feel great. Get very exhausted and have my backaches, but thats it. Emmie is a night owl. She kicks a lot as I'm laying down for bed. Let's hope she is a great sleeper like Laila was. I'm pretty fortunate and honestly can't complain.
I am just ready for her to get here. I am not even near prepared as far as nursery goes. I have all the plans in my head but have been so crazy with family stuff that I realized it's not a priority at the moment. Starting next month it's onto the nursery decorating and Laila's official big girl room. Let the organizing begin, because these girls are spoiled I don't even know where all the stuff that will be Emmie's room is going to go. But we will make it work. Third house ha!
I can't say enough how much of a blessing Emmie will be. We are all so excited and Laila is getting there more and more everyday. She smiles when I ask her if she is going to be a big sister. She says "Emmie", then procedes to say "M&M"...has her favorite candy on the brain when thinking about her sister.
ahhh! I can't wait!!!
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