This potty training business has been an ongoing process for about a month now. I told myself come the new year I would be in full PT mode, but with all the things going on I became pretty laxed with it. Laila has gone poopy on the potty before months and months ago since she does get her tummy aches easily and has a hard time going sometimes. So I would put her on the toilet to relieve some pressure. Now that she turned two, it's time to get crackin'. I don't want both girls in diapers...I think I would go broke.
So my goal is to get Laila totally potty trained by the time Emmie arrives. I'm telling myself it won't be that hard considering she now comes and tells me when she has to go #2. She gives me the look and goes "Poopy Potty". So we rush to the bathroom and sometimes sit in there for a good 30 minutes while I read her her favorite book "Everyone Poops". If she doesn't go and we get off the potty, she then comes to me every minute telling me she has to go back on. Finally, when she goes she tells me she's "All done!" It's the #1 part that I think will be more difficult. I'm starting the training pants, so we will see where that takes us. She's got her adorable little girl panties already for her in her dresser drawer. Oh the patience you must have in the PT world.
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