Christmas has always been my favorite time of year. Even with all the chaos of shopping and constant non stop of celebration. Our holidays are always full of lots of happiness and joy with our families. I can't say it enough how blessed we are.
I got cracking on shopping on the early morning of black friday. I normally don't care as much about getting to all the stores, but there were some killer deals I had to get to. To be honest, I enjoyed it. I don't think I ever get sick of shopping. I enjoyed buying things for Laila this year that she would actually be excited about. I was like a kid on Christmas morning...counting down the days until the big Christmas Eve and day.
The week before Christmas, Jason had his work Christmas party at Jackson's Steakhouse in Tampa. We owned our business for a while so years went by without having any holiday work events to go to. I sipped on shirley temples, while Jason drank real alcohol for the both of us. We knew they were giving away a 42 inch flat screen for a door prize. Jason and I were joking about how we never win anything, but prayed that our luck would change this upcoming year since 2010 gave us many obstacles. It was too funny...numbers were being called left and right for little prizes and then came the big daddy of door prizes, the TV. Hot damn, we won! And got to bring home the TV that night. We couldn't believe it considering our other TV just took a dive after 5 years. On the way home we couldn't stop talking about how our luck has changed and we actually won something. Early Christmas present for us!
So, Christmas Eve finally arrived and we spent that afternoon at my parents opening our gifts before heading over to The Little's for our annual Christmas Eve dinner.

Laila had mounds of gifts to open. She got so many toys from her Grandma "Mum", Grandpa "Papa", Nin Nin, GiGi, and Uncle Barry. It took us a good two hours to exchange gifts with everyone. She got her Beauty and the Beast tea cart set that she constantly plays with when we go to the Disney store, Tag Junior, Her kitchen set, ton's of food and goodies for the kitchen set, her PBK shopping cart, and so much more, I can't even remember.

I was most excited to see Laila open all her gifts more then anything, but my Christmas was very special too. I got a new Vera Bradley purse, frill wallet, and make-up bag, gift cards, clothes, martha stewart kitchen bowls, and something that brought me to tears...
When we found out my Grandma "GiGi" June was sick with cancer, it took us by surprise and left us cherishing each day with her because you never know what God has planned. My Grandma had specially made a necklace for me. There isn't one like it. It's my Daisy necklace, and as I read the little note she attached with it, I couldn't help but cry. It is one of the most special gifts I have ever got and will cherish forever. This will be something that will be passed on to my girls with special meaning and will know how special their GiGi is.

After the first round of gifts was over, we headed to The Little's household. Laila then again got spoiled over there by her cousins and Aunt Jen and Uncle John. She got her American Girl bitty baby doll, along with bitty baby rattle, bottle, and matching pajama set for the doll and Laila. After the night passed and it was almost time to leave, Santa came to see the kids. Laila isn't too fond of him yet, but does know who he is by saying "Santa" and "HoHoHo". We will have to work on it for next year.

Jason and I were so excited for Christmas morning now that Laila is older and understood a little better then last year. She woke up at about 7:30 and on the wrong side. She was so cranky, screaming, and having a tantrum. So we told her to go back to her room until she calmed down. After a couple minutes she came out and wanted to open some presents. After the little bump in the road, she was loving it! We couldn't stop laughing with how she reacted to her presents. Mommy and Daddy got her a princess cd player, bath toys, memory, mickey mouse clubhouse set, along with many other little goodies. Her big gift was from Santa...her big B&TB castle. When she opened that it was priceless. She tore the paper all by herself, and as she saw a little of it she said "Is that the beast!?"

After our morning at home, we went to Gramma and Papou's house to open gifts with them and Papa Guy and Gramma Et. She had one of her crabby spells again and didn't want to open any gifts until she opened her Meow Kittyboard. Then she started tearing up some paper and opening more gifts. From her Gramma and Papou she also got her PBK table set, toys for her babies, and her doctor accessessories (so she can be like Dr. Papou). After enjoying a couple hours of opening gifts and breakfast, we hung out for the afternoon until we went to my parents for Christmas dinner. It was more of a relaxing Christmas night. Gifts were all done and all the festivities were coming to a close. Grandpa Santa made an appearance at the end of the night.
The Geraci's were all tuckered out by the end of the night. We all were so spoiled with love and gifts from everyone. All day after Christmas I spent organizing and opening all the presents we got. We are now looking forward to 2011 being a lot better then 2010 was. We have some party planning for Laila's 2nd birthday and my 28th at the end of January, our shower for Baby E, and welcoming our second daughter at the end of May. I'm hoping 2011 will be filled with only happiness and peace.
Here are our resolutions for the Growing Geraci Fam:
Mama G.- Stay calm in stressful situations and don't stress the small stuff, including the things that I shouldn't be stressing over, like Baby E's nursery plans and redoing Lai's room into a big girl room. Deep breathe!
Daddy G.- Get back into shape...we will see how this goes considering it's his resolution every year. ;) And to keep on doing so well at the job.
Miss Laila G.- To get this potty training down in full gear. Which means potty right when she wakes up, and every hour or two. We want her out of diapers before her sister arrives, I think she will do well considering it was a peice of cake getting rid of bottles and binkies.
Hope everyone had a joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year!