I have only had one appointment so far for the basic stuff they do on a first appointment...bloodwork, check the baby, weight...I didn't even ask them what my weight was so next appointment I'll find out so I can keep track on my weight gain with baby #2.
Here's my little pudge for now, showing a lot sooner then I did with Laila. With her you couldn't even tell I was pregnant until like 4 months. Crazy!
Here is our little one #2! (sorry it's sideways...wasn't letting me turn it around considering this was taken with my iPhone). Dr. Marks scared me a little bit when he first took a look...he mentioned twins! aahhh! But then said no...could be the umbilical cord. Now it's an ongoing joke that another baby could be hiding out in there. We go back for our next appointment on the 16th for my NT ultrasound scan. Hoping our ultrasound tech will be able to give us a heads up on the sex and confirm that it is just one baby ha! I will almost be 13 weeks by then, so we shall see. I just want to know already! Everytime I tell Laila she is going to be a big sister, she giggles. I'm so excited!
Due date is now May 27, 2010...let's see if it stays this time.
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