Saturday, November 20, 2010

Laila's Big Girl Room!

So, now that Laila is going to be a big sister there is so much to think about. She is going to be 2 and it's about time to make her room more grown up. With her personality she already seems like she is 16. I figured I would give the new baby Laila's crib furniture and get Laila a new set. I have been searching the web and have so many ideas I love. I was so in love with the espresso finish on furniture (still am). But as little girls get older I love the look of the light furniture. I absolutely love these rooms! And will work off these ideas. I know it will be hard keeping Laila's room looking this perfect, but what would you expect from a toddler. I just want her to have her own space to play and feel girly. I can't wait to get started, whenever that may be.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Healthy little...

So, this morning we went for our ultrasound testing to check out the baby. Our sweet baby bean #2 couldn't be more perfectly healthy. The babe has a very fast heartbeat and was moving around all over. I was hoping we would be able to find out whether it was a boy or girl, but I didn't want to get my hopes up. Our tech Rhonda kinda guessed what she thought baby was, but didn't want to confirm until she was absolutely sure. She mentioned another sweet baby girl, but then kept saying "he" just in case something happened to pop up in the next few weeks. We go back to find out on December 14th! I'm not going to go crazy with "girl" nursery ideas and shopping until least I'll try. But my gut instinct is telling me another girl. It's funny with all these boys that people are having around me I was kinda getting into boy mode, but I would be totally happy with all girls. I did this exact thing with Laila. We found out it was a girl and I was so happy I started crying but then was seeing boy stuff and got myself sad. Crazy damn hormones!
But, It was so surreal seeing another person growing inside of me, brought back sweet memories of my pregnancy with Laila. And it was amazing how much they resembled eachother in the womb.
I have had names lined up, for some reason I always tend to go more towards the girls names, but I think it's the hardest part. Jason and I always don't agree on that part. But I think if it's a girl we at least agree on the middle name...have to wait and see. Stay tuned!

::baby side view::

::baby bootie view::

::baby heartbeat::

::baby back view::

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

11 weeks.

I can't believe I am almost into my second trimester already. I have to brag that the beginning of my pregnancies are pretty easy. I never get REALLY sick, just nausea on and off throughout the day and excessive tiredness. I feel the same as I did when I was pregnant with Laila, except I am more tired this time around. I found that odd considering I worked when I was pregnant the first time, but I guess it's because now I'm chasing around a little tot all the time.
I have only had one appointment so far for the basic stuff they do on a first appointment...bloodwork, check the baby, weight...I didn't even ask them what my weight was so next appointment I'll find out so I can keep track on my weight gain with baby #2.
Here's my little pudge for now, showing a lot sooner then I did with Laila. With her you couldn't even tell I was pregnant until like 4 months. Crazy!

Here is our little one #2! (sorry it's sideways...wasn't letting me turn it around considering this was taken with my iPhone). Dr. Marks scared me a little bit when he first took a look...he mentioned twins! aahhh! But then said no...could be the umbilical cord. Now it's an ongoing joke that another baby could be hiding out in there. We go back for our next appointment on the 16th for my NT ultrasound scan. Hoping our ultrasound tech will be able to give us a heads up on the sex and confirm that it is just one baby ha! I will almost be 13 weeks by then, so we shall see. I just want to know already! Everytime I tell Laila she is going to be a big sister, she giggles. I'm so excited!
Due date is now May 27, 2010...let's see if it stays this time.

Laila Mouse!

Happy 2nd Halloween to our Laila Mouse!