Oh my...Miss Laila is growing up too fast! Another month gone by. Tomorrow, our little mooshka will be 19 months. We are almost out of the teens and heading to those terrible twos!? Well we may be in them already. Our daughter is a little miss independent sassy pants. You never know what mood she is going to be in. You know the normal whining when she doesn't get what she wants. We definantly get tested by her throughout the day. No complaints though...this stage is actually pretty humerous. I think it's funny when people say in newborn stage is the hardest. No way...this is the hardest stage, but also the most fun. Hard to explain really, but those mothers out there should understand.
It's a new surprise everyday. New words and actions that come from Laila. She is even putting together tiny sentences. Some things it's hard to understand, but other's it shocks me at how well she pronounces them. She counts to 3 and even hums the alphabet song. Every drink is "water". Every second of the day it's "minnie". Every store we go into it's "ball". Every time we leave the house it's "shoes". She repeats a lot of what we say now. I can tell her to say something and she tries so hard to repeat it, some things she does and some no. The newest thing is "money" ha! She is her mother's daughter.
When it's tv time Laila only wants on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She is obsessed! She wants it on the tv, car dvd player, iphone, computer...anything that has a screen she is asking for "minnie or daisy". She laughs at what they do and repeats what they say "ohhhhh tooooodles!" It just seemed to stick with her after watching it on playhouse disney.
No more high chair. Laila sits in the big girl chairs now. She hates being confined. When we go out to eat it's easier for us to have booths. Does she run the household or what? ha! She helps mommy clean with her own little broom and now wants to help me do all my crafts. She goes in our closet and puts on my shoes, grabs my clothes and holds them up to her. She loves going into stores and rummaging through the racks.
What more can I say...LG is her own little lady.
1 comment:
She's adorable! I wish blogging had been around when my children were babies. You THINK you'll remember but I can't believe how few of the 'little things' I can bring to mind now. At least I scrapbooked a little back then so I have preserved some of it but its nothing like I would have had if I'd blogged then. You will always be so happy to have these magical moments recorded.
And I'd agree that the 2-3 year old stage is the hardest (so far anyway, I don't have teens yet).
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