Tuesday, August 31, 2010

8 years together!

This is so crazy! I dug through my old scanned pictures I had saved on discs. Back when Jason and I met I didn't have a digital camera yet. Got one shortly after, but even then didn't use it as much as I use mine now. Look at how much we have changed. ha! Jason had his blonde tips and I was platinum. What were we thinking!? I think back through the years of all the things we have done together. Many trips, movie dates, dinners and yes, fights. We have come a long way. It's still hard to believe its been that long. Brings back great memories.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Something new everyday.

Oh my...Miss Laila is growing up too fast! Another month gone by. Tomorrow, our little mooshka will be 19 months. We are almost out of the teens and heading to those terrible twos!? Well we may be in them already. Our daughter is a little miss independent sassy pants. You never know what mood she is going to be in. You know the normal whining when she doesn't get what she wants. We definantly get tested by her throughout the day. No complaints though...this stage is actually pretty humerous. I think it's funny when people say in newborn stage is the hardest. No way...this is the hardest stage, but also the most fun. Hard to explain really, but those mothers out there should understand.
It's a new surprise everyday. New words and actions that come from Laila. She is even putting together tiny sentences. Some things it's hard to understand, but other's it shocks me at how well she pronounces them. She counts to 3 and even hums the alphabet song. Every drink is "water". Every second of the day it's "minnie". Every store we go into it's "ball". Every time we leave the house it's "shoes". She repeats a lot of what we say now. I can tell her to say something and she tries so hard to repeat it, some things she does and some no. The newest thing is "money" ha! She is her mother's daughter.
When it's tv time Laila only wants on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She is obsessed! She wants it on the tv, car dvd player, iphone, computer...anything that has a screen she is asking for "minnie or daisy". She laughs at what they do and repeats what they say "ohhhhh tooooodles!" It just seemed to stick with her after watching it on playhouse disney.
No more high chair. Laila sits in the big girl chairs now. She hates being confined. When we go out to eat it's easier for us to have booths. Does she run the household or what? ha! She helps mommy clean with her own little broom and now wants to help me do all my crafts. She goes in our closet and puts on my shoes, grabs my clothes and holds them up to her. She loves going into stores and rummaging through the racks.
What more can I say...LG is her own little lady.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Some Summer!

It has been an boiling summer! You can't step outside for a minute without dripping sweat. For the most part we tried to stay indoors, but when we got the chance to get out we had some fun.

After the summer started off really crazy, with my grandpa's passing and then our girl's trip up to NY, things started to settle down. The month of June was chaos. We honored my Grandpa by going to the Korean War Anniversary down at Freedom Park. I can't begin to tell you how proud I was of him. He is missed everyday but feel so greatful to know that he fulfilled a life of happiness and great memories.

As summer was passing by, the heat got more unbearable. But there was no way you were keeping us inside the entire summer. Our dear friends Brittany and Christian had a BBQ for Brittany's birthday, and also to celebrate them finally getting preggo! We hung by the pool and enjoyed friends until finally a storm was rolling through. We started getting used to these afternoon storms the entire summer.

In July, Laila and I spent a day at BG with my sister and The Little's. It was so flippin' humid, we were already drenched of sweat the first hour we were there. We went to any place the kids could play in water, and then headed to Sesame Street Land before we left. Laila got to meet Elmo, Big Bird, Cookie Monster, and Abby. At this point in the day she was hot and tired so not many smiles were coming from her pretty little face. We also got to see the new kangaroo exhibit! Sooo much fun! Can't beat the all year pass!

Jason and I are used to taking about 3 trips a year, but since we have had Laila is gets a little hard. After realizing how fast this year has flown by already we decided to take a road trip to Orlando for 4 days and stayed at the Omni hotel. Last time we stayed there Laila was a little bean in my belly. It was days of pure relaxation. We walked around DTD, hung out in the room, relaxed poolside, and took Laila to Magic Kingdom for the first time. (Note to self: next trip to Disney we will make sure the weather is cool!) Laila got to meet her favorite characters, Mickey, Minnie, and Daisy. Her reaction was amazement! I think Laila found her first obsession. She can't get enough of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. We went through Minnie and Mickey's house in Toon Town. It is the cutest thing! I'm looking forward to the obsession of the Princess stage that most little girls go through. I can't wait to take her back again.

We didn't do much of the beach this summer. Even the beach water was too warm to even be able to cool down. We bared the heat one day and went to Honeymoon Island with my sister, grandma, and mom. We made it a good hour before heading back to GiGi's pool to cool down.

I absolutely love the summer, but I think this one has been a little TOO hot. I'm looking forward to the cool fall breeze, jackets, boots, and jeans!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Awwww I love when I get time to do this. Whenever I have my spare moments, I take time to sit in front of my sewing machine and work on my crafts. My crafty thumb comes out when I have the time. I go through these phases. When I'm not crazy with myself chasing around Laila or working on my photography, I get the opportunity to enjoy being a crafty mama. I have so many friends who are pregnant or have little ones so I figured I would work on something fun and easy. And why not let the babies spit up on something fashionable. I have piles of cloth, fabric, and dye. It's so much fun. I want to start a crafty mama day one day a month where we can sit down and share ideas and teach eachother new things...without the babes running around distracting us...who's in?