He came and took Laila's binky away! He told her he would save it for when she has a brother or sister. She wasn't to happy with him at first, but as days progressed she got over it. She is now clean of the binky for good. I woke up one day and just decided it's time to get rid of the thing. She was barely even sucking on them and she would throw it out of her mouth a lot of the time. So that day we left the house without it and she was fine when she was preoccupied. But come naptime or nite nite, she screamed like I have never heard her scream before. It was insane! But she cried herself to sleep with her blankie and got over it pretty fast. Now she just goes right to sleep with no problems. It was a lot easier then I thought. It has always been pretty easy to get Laila off of things, the bottle was a piece of cake. Let's just hope this continues with future children. Thanks Binky Monster for saving the day! It's been a long journey. We have been through all different types of binkies. It was a great ride...farewell mr. bink!

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