Waiting for Dr. A. (not too happy)
Laila's 15 month check up was today. She is now 25 pounds and 33 inches long. She is in the 80th percentile in weight and off the charts in height, yet again! Getting bigger and bigger everyday, but has lost lots of her chunky fat from walking off tons of calories everyday. Still had the baby gut she sticks out though.
She was all happy and running around the office until Dr. Alvarez came walking in. She didn't want to be examined. She screamed the entire time and by the time we were done and waiting for her shots she was ready to pass out from crying so hard. She was grabbing onto me for dear life while getting her 3 shots! Oh how I hate hearing that cry. It was all forgotten once we got in the car, she fell asleep, then woke up from her nap.
Once again it was a successful appointment. I dread going! That hour wears me out. But thank God for Laila being healthy.
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