Sunday, May 30, 2010

Rest in Peace Grandpa.

Grandpa on his 75th birthday dinner!

57 years of marriage!

Laila and Pop on Grandpa's 77th birthday!

Today, another angel was brought to heaven. After a long fight of Parkinson's disease, my Grandpa had his calling from God. He is finally at peace and feels no more pain. My Grandpa fulfilled a life full of happy memories. I look back to all the times I shared with him and I smile. I am so greatful he got the chance to share the first 16 months of Laila's life. His world was brighter when she was around. I will remind Laila of what a wonderful "pop pop" she had and how much he adored her. My Grandpa was one of the greatest, most talented, bravest men I have ever known. He is going to be missed every minute of every day. Your always in my heart Grandpa.
After Glow

I'd like the memory of me,
To be a happy one,
I'd like to leave an afterglow
Of smiles when life is done.
I'd like to leave an echo
Whispering softly down the ways,
Of happy times and laughing times
& bright and sunny days.
I'd like the tears of those who grieve,
To dry before the sun
Of happy memories that I leave
When life is done.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy 4 years!

it's amazing how fast time flies and how much life can change in 4 of the best days of my life! Wish I could do it all over again.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sweet 16...months.

Another month has passed by and our little bean continues to grow like a weed! Saying harder words, making us laugh with something new, and just being Laila. It can be the worst day and our sunshine brightens everything. What a comedian she has become. She is copying everything you do, and laughs at just about sound in the world...her giggle. Laila has such an indescribable personality that attracts people to her. I loose count of all the compliments I get of her in one day. Cheer-ios to 16 months Miss Laila Bean! (fyi: after the 2 year more counting by months.)

::standing on the couch and knowing she is about to get in trouble::

::Booty in the Bilibo::


::Getting sleepy::

::Your our brown eyed girl::
::No, No, No!...she knows not to go by mommy's work station::

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Waiting for Dr. A. (not too happy)

Laila's 15 month check up was today. She is now 25 pounds and 33 inches long. She is in the 80th percentile in weight and off the charts in height, yet again! Getting bigger and bigger everyday, but has lost lots of her chunky fat from walking off tons of calories everyday. Still had the baby gut she sticks out though.

She was all happy and running around the office until Dr. Alvarez came walking in. She didn't want to be examined. She screamed the entire time and by the time we were done and waiting for her shots she was ready to pass out from crying so hard. She was grabbing onto me for dear life while getting her 3 shots! Oh how I hate hearing that cry. It was all forgotten once we got in the car, she fell asleep, then woke up from her nap.

Once again it was a successful appointment. I dread going! That hour wears me out. But thank God for Laila being healthy.

Monday, May 10, 2010

My 2nd Mother's Day!

Sometimes I still can't believe that I am a mother. I look at Laila everyday and thank God for the blessing he has given me and our family. Days, months, and years are flying by. I remember mother's telling me enjoy every moment because it flies by, and it is so true. I tell new mom's the same thing now. Gosh it makes me feel old.
I had a nice Mother's Day. We started the day at church. Am I the only one that get's emotional in church? It seems like every week something just hits me and I tear up. This week they had the church girls youth come out in tutu's and sing and dance. The song was beautiful and I kept picturing Laila up there a couple years from now. I had to pull out the tissues! Jason said if that lasted 10 more seconds he would of started balling his eyes out. It was a nice sermon. To top off the mooshyness, as I went to get Laila from her class, I saw her playing with the other kids through the window. She was so good this week. As I opened the door to get her, she see's me and comes running up and says "Mommy!" It was the sweetest thing. And she even drew me a picture for Mother's Day. As Jason and I got in the car we looked at eachother and said we are ready for baby #2! Well, in his words he said "Laila's ready for a brother." ha! And I say she is always ready for a sister. Soon, we will see...maybe next Mother's Day we will have another on the way.
We spent lunch with Jason's family, then went to my families for dinner. The holiday's are always busy, but we are just lucky to have a ton of family that loves us. Last year, Laila was just a little bean, and now I spent my day chasing her around. We definantly have a strong willed baby. Phew! This mommy gets warn out but being a mother is the best gift ever.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mini Road Trip.

Jason, Laila, Gramma, Papou, and I took a short little overnight trip down to Mike and Jana's Banana Bay motel in Punta Gorda. We went out on the pontoon on Saturday, docked the boat and ate lunch at Nav-i-gators and enjoyed a couple cocktails. The humidity wasn't so bad on the water. There was a nice breeze. Later on we came back to the motel and got ready for Papou's birthday dinner at Portifino's which is about a block down from the motel. The next day the heat was unbearable! We went to the bird sanctuary and hung around the hotel the rest of the day until it was time to drive back home. The trip was short and are some pics of us from the weekend.

Laila with her lifevest on. It lasted a good 5 minutes until she was so hot and uncomfortable.
Hubs and I enjoying our happy hour.
I love her boat hair!
Attached to mommy!
Resting up after dinner.
Hanging out in the room waiting to leave.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

15 months.

snackin' & shoppin' with mommy!

"yea...I still got my bink...whatcha gonna do about it?"

Our big girl has seemed to slow down her growing a tad bit. Thank goodness! I think if she got any taller she will be taller then her daddy and me. We go for her 15 month check next week to see how many more pounds she has packed on. I'm sure not much. Laila has thinned out a lot (and so have I) since she has started walking, or I should say running. I was starting to buy her some 2T clothes because it seemed as though the 18-24 mo. was getting too tight from some stores and plus with me shrinking most everything in the wash. Now it seems as if everything is big on her. Even some 18-24 mo. is too big on her. So now all her 2T's that I bought are just sitting in the closet for next summer. I am obsessed with shopping for the little moosh. She dresses better then I do! Probably has more clothes too.

She is talking so much more. Her new thing is "uh-oh". Still saying the normal first baby words and starting to repeat what others say and reactions. I sit with her and we read and go through her flashcards and practice big words. She is so smart and understands so many things. She knows her body parts. She shows me her belly button, and knows her eyes, mouth, nose, and teeth. I can tell her to go get me something (example: remote control) and she will go get it and bring it back to me. And the good part is she is getting better at listening to us. I might have to tell her a few times to stop and smack her little hand before she does, but she gives that sad look walks away and gets over it. She knows when mama means business.
Laila climbs on everything now. She is getting better with going up and down steps and stairs. I'm teaching her the proper way to climb off the couch and chairs. She is a wild child for sure. Not scared of anything...well maybe just the lawn guy when he is mowing the lawn right by her bedroom window. She freaks out if she is napping and hears the mower by the window. It's kinda cute how terrified she gets. She loves when daddy and I scare her. Her laugh is so infectious, and she does so much of it. She shakes her head no constantly, but is starting to go up and down to say yes. So talkative and dances all over the house. She pushes her booty out and bounces up and down. And she raises her hands up like she is a ballerina. I can't get enough of it.

I'm thinking of doing the first haircut thing. I am terrified. But Laila's hair is so long in the back and her bangs are starting to go past her eyes. It can be a crazy mess now if I don't do anything to it. I just want a millimeter trim to even it all out and give it a healthier look. She's got a little curl at the ends now. But of course now that she has hair she pulls on it and barely keeps anything in it.
hmm...I think that's about it with the updates...

Happy 15 months baby girl!