Sunday, September 27, 2009

8 months young!

(notice the scratches & marks on her face...poor bean!)
Bumps and bruises, seperation anxiety, standing and deliver, claps hands, stands while holding on, jabbers a couple of words, eating chunky foods, high fives, waves, gives kisses, crawls everywhere, grabs everything, little colds, entertaining herself, shows off her shiny pearly whites, brushes her teeth....oh the many things LG has accomplished, and that's not even all of it. These last eight months have been nothing but pure joy. I thank God everyday for our healthy, beautiful baby girl.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Crawling 101.

It's official...we have a crawler on our hands! I knew it was coming anyday now. Laila would move a couple feet or so, but this time while we were away she crawled that body of hers all the way across our hotel living room suite. She wanted daddy's phone so bad, she knew the only way to get to it was to crawl herself over. Now we can't stop her. She's wearing those knees down and loving every minute of it. Most of the house is baby proofed. She is grabbing everything in site. I will walk away for one minute and turn around and wha la! Miss Laila appears! She will be 8 months in a week. She is talking, crawling, rolling, clapping, waving, eating yummy foods, copying everything you do, sings along with the disney channel shows. It's amazing. Grandma just bought he some Baby Einstein flashcards today...can't wait to use them!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

we got a walker...almost.

We bought Laila a walker and she absolutely loves it! Just another addition to the many toys around the house. She is already going from one side of the room to the other and following me wherever I go. Once she finally grasps the concept and it sinks in that she is pretty much free to roam the house, i'm in trouble. No more privacy for mommy.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

just because...

...this makes me smile...she is so darn cute...and i love seeing those two teeth!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

yum, yum...cheerios!

She loves 'em! Laila feeds them to herself (or the dogs) and they will get stuck to her slimey, wet fingers. What a big girl we have! She is learning the concept of chewing. I have started her on the graduate puffs too...and she can't get enough of those. She had some fresh chicken stew made by gramma, some of her aunt's potato salad (minus the mayo and onion), scrambled eggs when daddy took us to breakfast and my mom let her suck pickle juice the other day. Being a first time mom, I was nervous about the chunks and her choking...but now it's just so exciting seeing her be introduced to new things. It makes going out to restaurants a lot more fun! Holidays are coming...turkey legs, baked ham, the works! yum! Eat up buttercup!


Friday, September 4, 2009

Here's a tip.

A tip for all you prego soon to be moms and maybe the newbie mom's like me. Buy clothes as your baby grows! About once a month I go through Laila's clothes and clean out her drawers and her super organized closet since she is growing like a weed. I so far (keep in mind she is only 7 months) have two big tubs full of outgrown clothes, hats, and shoes. Her growth has slowed down the past month and I think now we are sticking to buying 12-18 or 18-24 month clothes. No less! She can fit into some of her 6-12 month, but they are getting a little snug. Can you believe it...our 7 month is already fitting into toddler clothes. Depending on the type of clothes. Carter's onesies are a godsend...and she is still fitting into the 9 month of those. I try to keep all Laila's clothes organized to size, so I won't forget to put her in something. This is why my tip is to buy as your little one grows...I am trying to get Laila's "winter" clothes together (yea I know what your thinking...winter clothes in Florida? but that little...or shall I say big body of her's needs to stay warm). I just added eight sweaters that Laila either wore once, or didn't wear at all, into her tub! Adorable ones from BabyGap and Old Navy! Breaks my heart! Maybe I can try fitting her into some of them once it gets cool...sweaters normally run big right? Oh! and not to mention I threw about six pairs of size 2 shoes in with it that she barely wore. She is now in size 3 and has such a high instep, so it's hard to find her shoes. This bring me to the conclusion that I need to start bargain shopping or buying bigger sizes. You can not get me out of BabyGap, Janie and Jack, or Old Navy...i'm dangerous! How can you pass up those adorable clothes you see on the racks? This is what happens when God gave me a girl. Let's just hope we will have another girl sometime with wanting more kids, so I get good use of all of Laila's beautiful clothes again. My little girl has to be stylin! And it doesn't help that I am a shopaholic and can't help but buying her more and more clothes! It used to be all about going crazy and buying outfits for me, now it's all about my little girl. yea...I know her mommy spoils her. But hey...i'm aloud to aren't I?