Tuesday, May 5, 2009

a day in the life.

6:30-7:00 a.m.:
Mommy gets up bright and early to feed me. She loves waking up to my smiles and gets ready to spend the day with me. She loves her Little Who.

8:00-8:30 a.m.:
Mommy puts me in my jumper so she can get some things done around the house.

11:00-12:00 pm:
I love to play in my room on the floor and watch the fan and listen to music. Mommy usually tries to put me down for a little nap at this time.

2:00-4:00 pm:
I love the bloomies mommy and grandma made for me! I enjoy watching mommy do arts and crafts throughout the day. She knows I will appreciate it when I get older.

5:30-6:00 pm:
I have tummy time everyday to make me strong.

7:30-8:00 pm:
Mommy gives me a bath every night (and sometimes in the a.m. too!) before daddy gets home so I am nice and fresh. I love the J&J Lavender Bath because it helps me sleep.

8:30-9:00 pm:
I really don't take long naps during the day. Just little "cat naps", that's what mommy calls them. So after a long day I am pooped!
Of course I am always hungry throughout the day. I eat usually every 3-4 hours! Now that I sleep good through the night I want more during the day. I love my life and everyone in it!

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