i'm so moody. my tummy hurts. i am sleepy. can't decide if i'm hungry or stuffed. i feel fat. and i just want hubbie to get home so i can have some chocolate milk, lay in bed and have him rub my back. he is so wonderful to me.
just felt like venting about how i am feeling.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Our 1st doctor's visit!
I went in the office thinking this was going to be in and out and then I can go home and relax...well that's not how it worked. We arrived at 1 pm. It started were they needed a pee sample...no big deal...I had to pee anyways. Then I headed back out to the waiting room until my name got called. 10...15...20 minutes went by and finally it was time for the doctor to see me. I went back to the room and waited for him to come in and talk with me. Another 15 minutes went by...the door opens and Dr. Marks says "I have a delivery I will be back in 45 minutes. Hang around go to the mall or something and I will be back" I decided to just wait patiently in the office since Jason had just took the car to run some errons for our store. This happens all the time...I'm sure when I am going into labor the doctor will be doing the same thing for me. Surprisingly...he was back in 30 minutes. What a guy! He started the normal routine, asking a bizzilion questions, which gets you to thinking about some scary things. You just pray that your baby will be healthy...thats all I care about! Then it was finally time to see little peanut for the first time. WOW! It really hits you all over again...You see the little heart moving....its like you don't know what to say. I'm going to be a first time mom...this stuff is all so new to me. It's amazing! Dr. Marks is a trip though...he makes it so easy.
After all the mushy stuff was over I went to go get my blood work done. I was starving at this point, had to pee, and just wanted to get home. I was tired. I'm not very good when it comes to having 7 viles of blood taken from my body. I just looked away...didn't hurt at all, but then all of a sudden I got so hot and started seeing those little black dots...my ears were ringing. I knew right then and there I was going to pass out. ha! Figures...the nurses were so sweet and got me cold towels to put on my face. What a great first experience huh?
We are 7 weeks and 1 day...give or take a day. yay!
After all the mushy stuff was over I went to go get my blood work done. I was starving at this point, had to pee, and just wanted to get home. I was tired. I'm not very good when it comes to having 7 viles of blood taken from my body. I just looked away...didn't hurt at all, but then all of a sudden I got so hot and started seeing those little black dots...my ears were ringing. I knew right then and there I was going to pass out. ha! Figures...the nurses were so sweet and got me cold towels to put on my face. What a great first experience huh?
We are 7 weeks and 1 day...give or take a day. yay!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
doing my baby thing.
I was bored and felt like searching online for diaper bags. I'm not into the need a pink bag for a girl and a blue for a boy. I want to keep it stylish and neutrel. Baby Geraci will be fashionably fabulous...and I do too! And those who are reading this i'm sure know me so well to were they know I like my designer things. Tell me whatcha think! Much more baby shopping updates to come.

The second chapter in our lives have officially begun!
We have finally had success on our Baby Freedom Project! After 6 long awaited months of trying...we are finally pregnant! I woke up last Saturday telling myself I am going to take a pregnancy test considering I was late. I was hesitate due to being afraid that it would be negative. I started crying and shaking when I saw not one...but two lines appear on the stick. I couldn't believe it. On my way to work I rushed to Walgreens to pick up another test just to make sure...this time it would say the word pregnant! When it appeared I knew that this was the real deal. I could barely wait to get home to tell Jason the news. We happened to be celebrating our anniversary that night...so it was just perfect! Jason, I and both of our families are esctatic with the news. Jason seems to be more excited then me right now since I don't have the energy to barely do anything. Just to get me out of bed in the morning is like pulling teeth. The perks of being pregnant...backpains--i just want someone to walk on my back and take the pain away, nausea---without the vomiting but who cares it still isn't fun, mood swings---jason is a saint for how he is putting up with me right now, being tired all the time---i could of gotten 12 hours of sleep and can still take a nap in the middle of the day, not having any control over your body---my boobs hurt and i am starting to feel a little pouch form, food cravings---even though i have felt so sick to wear i haven't had much of an appetite-it takes me an hour to eat a cracker, but then again all of a sudden I will want a chik fil a chicken sandwich...which hubbie will run and get for me, having to pee every hour---but i'm too lazy to get up and do it, waking up every hour in the middle of the night because your not comfortable or oh crap! I have to pee again!---i only feel comfortable when I am hugging a king size pillow like I am in the womb.
ok...but it's not all that bad. It will all be worth it. I am super excited to get the nursery together, do our baby registery at Babys R Us, picking out names, feel our baby kick for the first time, do the 4D ultrasound, have the baby shower, and just prepping for our first baby to come into the world. And for all you who are wondering...yes...we will be finding out the sex! Are you kidding...i'm too impatient to wait! I already know exactly what color schemes for the nursery for either sex. Doesn't matter either way just as long as baby Geraci is healthy.
I will be keeping a blog of the changes I am having and the updates on the doctor visits. Our first one is tomorrow and we will find out how far along I am and get to do the first ultrasound. We are thinking 7 weeks now...which will make our little peanut born January 24th. Ahhhh! It hits you all over again when you talk about it. And to be honest I can't wait to get my bump! yay!
That's all for now.
ok...but it's not all that bad. It will all be worth it. I am super excited to get the nursery together, do our baby registery at Babys R Us, picking out names, feel our baby kick for the first time, do the 4D ultrasound, have the baby shower, and just prepping for our first baby to come into the world. And for all you who are wondering...yes...we will be finding out the sex! Are you kidding...i'm too impatient to wait! I already know exactly what color schemes for the nursery for either sex. Doesn't matter either way just as long as baby Geraci is healthy.
I will be keeping a blog of the changes I am having and the updates on the doctor visits. Our first one is tomorrow and we will find out how far along I am and get to do the first ultrasound. We are thinking 7 weeks now...which will make our little peanut born January 24th. Ahhhh! It hits you all over again when you talk about it. And to be honest I can't wait to get my bump! yay!
That's all for now.
our anniversary

As each year goes by marriage just keeps getting better...This is my input on tips for a great marriage
We can still be the biggest dorks around eachother. Dance and Sing as stupid as you can.
We can't get into a fight without either one of us trying to be all serious, then just start busting out laughing.
You can do anything infront of one another...that means even going 2.
Sit in the same room and not say one word but enjoy every second you share.
You will do what eachother wants, even if you don't like it. He will come shopping (even though he doesn't want to) because he knows how much I enjoy it.
Will call eachother 50 times a day just to hear their voice.
Pray with eachother every night before bed, thanking god for how blessed we are and bringing us together.
Call eachother by cute little nicknames...like pookie, boobie, my bride, or hubbie.
You listen to eachothers music even though you may not like a certain song or artist.
You support eachother 100% in anything they do.
You will go see a movie that they want to see even though you don't want to see that chick flick or action packed drama.
You take time to talk about how your day was at work.
Rub eachothers backs before going to bed.
Take baths together.
Don't let money take over the relationship.
Go out to dinner at least once a week.
Tell eachother you love them as much as you can.
Were his shirts to bed.
Don't spend every waking moment together, cuz when you see eachother it makes those hugs and kisses that much more special.
Do housework together.
Take little trips or mini vacations with eachother as much as you can.
Buy eachother cards every once in a while to let them know you are thinking about them.
Have romantic nights...surprise eachother every so often.
Be there for one another...always!
This is what its all about...
We can still be the biggest dorks around eachother. Dance and Sing as stupid as you can.
We can't get into a fight without either one of us trying to be all serious, then just start busting out laughing.
You can do anything infront of one another...that means even going 2.
Sit in the same room and not say one word but enjoy every second you share.
You will do what eachother wants, even if you don't like it. He will come shopping (even though he doesn't want to) because he knows how much I enjoy it.
Will call eachother 50 times a day just to hear their voice.
Pray with eachother every night before bed, thanking god for how blessed we are and bringing us together.
Call eachother by cute little nicknames...like pookie, boobie, my bride, or hubbie.
You listen to eachothers music even though you may not like a certain song or artist.
You support eachother 100% in anything they do.
You will go see a movie that they want to see even though you don't want to see that chick flick or action packed drama.
You take time to talk about how your day was at work.
Rub eachothers backs before going to bed.
Take baths together.
Don't let money take over the relationship.
Go out to dinner at least once a week.
Tell eachother you love them as much as you can.
Were his shirts to bed.
Don't spend every waking moment together, cuz when you see eachother it makes those hugs and kisses that much more special.
Do housework together.
Take little trips or mini vacations with eachother as much as you can.
Buy eachother cards every once in a while to let them know you are thinking about them.
Have romantic nights...surprise eachother every so often.
Be there for one another...always!
This is what its all about...
Happy Anniversary to us! And many more to come!
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