Monday, June 27, 2011
E's Check up.
Wow! Emms is now almost 6 weeks old and she is a little whopper. She is now 8 lbs. 11 ounces. Even though she is packing on the pounds successfully, she is still a little pea to me. She grew a lot in height and is now 21 1/2 inches long. Looks like we will have another future super model or basketball player on our hands. We are so blessed to have another perfect and healthy little girl. Emmie is bit more difficult as a newborn then Laila was, but she is still easy compared to some horror stories I have heard. I think she is a tad bid colicy, but it's not too bad. She is constantly wanting to be held which makes it a little difficult when Laila wants me to play or for me to cuddle with her. But overall, everything is sweet as pie and I'm loving life right now.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Father's Day & One Month.
This was Jason's third Father's Day and with having our newest addition with us made it even more special. He is a great daddy to his girls and a hardworking, loving hubbie. I love our little family!

{Daddy with his girls}

{Jason, Dino, and Little Jason}

{Papou enjoying his Father's Day with Laila}

{Grandpa enjoying his Father's Day with Emmie and a nice cold beer}

{My daddy...i love him!}
On this Father's Day, Emmie also turned one month old. It may have seemed like forever since she was born. With having sleepless nights, tons of diaper changes, and constant feedings...but time had also flown by. I already feel like I want to rewind and go back to her first day here. Happy 1 month to our sweet Emmie June Buggy!

{Daddy with his girls}

{Jason, Dino, and Little Jason}

{Papou enjoying his Father's Day with Laila}

{Grandpa enjoying his Father's Day with Emmie and a nice cold beer}
{My daddy...i love him!}
On this Father's Day, Emmie also turned one month old. It may have seemed like forever since she was born. With having sleepless nights, tons of diaper changes, and constant feedings...but time had also flown by. I already feel like I want to rewind and go back to her first day here. Happy 1 month to our sweet Emmie June Buggy!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
My Liquid Gold.
This breastfeeding thing seems harder the second time around. I thought I would be a pro and be producing like crazy, but it's not working out that way. Emms is constantly hungry and my milk doesn't seem to be satisfying her. A couple days after Emmie was born, we had to suppliment her like we did with Laila. She lost 10% of her body weight and I was concerned she would just keep loosing more. So we decided to put some chunk on her bones with giving her some formula. I really didn't want to start her on that, since I thought the breastfeeding would be successful. I figured she was a pound tinier then Laila so breastfeeding would be easier and she wouldn't need as much. Boy...(or should I say girl) was I wrong. I am doing everything I can. I latch, pump, and suppliment all day long. It's exhausting...but am not giving up on the breastfeeding thing. I lasted only 7 weeks with Laila and really want to keep trying with Emmie. Even if she only gets some of my milk. She is only 4 weeks and I'm not giving up that easily. I even started pumping more throughout the day then latching her on so I can see how much she is getting. I have my good and bad days with the pumping process. Some days I get lots and others I barely get anything. But I'm sticking it out for now.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
2 weeks young.
Life has been pretty busy since Emmie's arrival. I feel like I have no time to blog. Having two is a lot easier than I thought it would be though. Right now I have the lack of sleep, constant feedings, and keeping Laila entertained, but I got something really cute in exchange for all the craziness. And surprisingly, I am not THAT tired. My heart melts having another little one around. Baby E is already 2 weeks old. I feel like time is already passing quickly. She is such a little pea. Newborn clothes are still a tad bit big on her. It stinks at times because most of her wardrobe is 3 months and I can't put her in any of her cutesy clothes yet. There aren't many options in the newborn department. I was thinking we were going to have a bigger baby, like Laila. I don't even think Emmie is back up to her birth weight yet of 7 lb. 3 oz. It's amazing how strong she already is. She holds her head up when laying on my chest for a good 10 seconds. She curls up like a tiny ball in my arms. Total opposite of what Laila did. We really lucked out with her being a good baby. She sleeps well and barely cries. Except for the occassional "crying in her sleep" that wakes me up thinking she has a dirty diaper or is hungry. These past couple days she has been more alert and constantly hungry...gotta be a growth spurt. Each day is something new already. Feels like forever ago when she was just in my belly.
How lucky am I? I got two beautiful daughters! Life is so good.

{Still working on the perfect pic...Laila is getting better}

{sweet pea}
How lucky am I? I got two beautiful daughters! Life is so good.

{Still working on the perfect pic...Laila is getting better}

{sweet pea}
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