Is it true? We only have 3 weeks until our other little girl arrives. It seems like no time. I went for my weekly check up today and everything went perfectly. My weight gain stayed the same. So I have gained less then 20 pounds so far because I lost a little a couple weeks ago. It's crazy to me how different my body is with Emmie then it was when I was pregnant with Laila.
I met with the Dr. Patel this week and she was just a little concerned about how tiny I was with only have 3 weeks left before delivery. I wasn't too concerned, but a little more excited that I was going to see Emmie again. I haven't had a sono since the end of January. So to be on the safe side she sent me in for a sonogram with Rhonda (who I absolutely love!) She was very happy with my fluid and kept saying how perfect everything is. We are just going to have a little peanut this time. Emmie is weighing in right now around 5.5 pounds and is in the 40th percentile. Rhonda guesstimated that she will be in the upper 6 lbs for weight. Right when she turned on the 3D/4D, I immediatly saw Laila. She looks exactly like Laila did when we had her sono done. It was so sweet. I'm curious to see if they look alike, or if Emmie will have the light eyes/light hair. We will see in 3 weeks!
I am having little boosts of energy and able to get things done around the house right now, but it catches up with me after a couple days and I'm exhausted. Still have bad backpains, a hard time sleeping, and lots of indigestion. Thank goodness for some tums!
The Geraci Fam will soon be 4! Yay!!!