Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pumpkin Patch!

I have been so behind on my posts. This one has been saved in my drafts for weeks now.
One of my favorite times of the year is fall. There is always something to do. We always go to Hope Church Pumpkin Patch to pick out our pumpkin for Halloween. I thought this year Laila would be a little more cooperative but all she wanted us to do was carry her around. We picked our pumpkin after a good 20 minutes. We procrastinated a little this year on carving it and decided last minute (yes the day before Halloween) to carve Laila's name into it.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Big News!

As everyone knows we are expecting baby #2. I never posted a blog on how we came to find out.
We have been trying for 2 months and I kept close eye on my cycle since we started trying. I was 2 days late and knew there could be a possibility. So as I did with Laila, I took the first response test first. This time I did it mid afternoon, which it says your levels are higher in the mornings. After I was done and a couple minutes passed I only saw one line. A sadness came to me and decided to just let it sit there a little while longer. After tending to Laila, I came back 5 minutes later and saw a very faint second line. I decided to run to the store and get another test, the clearblue that tells your if your pregnant or not, but decided to wait for the next morning.
Being somewhat sure and excited I could possibly be pregnant it was hard for me to sleep that night.

The next morning I got up and took the second test. I left for a good 5 minutes to go get Laila out of bed. When I came back to my surprise (yes, I was surprised even though I kinda knew), it said pregnant! I waited all morning for Jason to get out of bed so I can tell him the news, well actually Laila was going to tell him. He got out of bed and she walked over to him with the test. Jason was clueless thinking Laila grabbed the thermometer out of the drawer. I had to tell him to look at it. He was shocked! It still hasn't set in yet...maybe once my belly starts to grow.