Life seems to be busy this year...first planning Laila's party and having company. It is continuing to stay busy and I love it. Here is what I have been doing so far this's already flying by!
I have been enjoying my days learning about photography---reading about it and having help from forums. I even have some photoshoots lined up to help me practice. This has always been a passion of mine. I finally feel like I have the time to do it. I'm building up my supplies and ideas. Here is my blog that I have been posting some of my practice pictures on.
http// have also been putting some funky fun fabric outfits together that I want to make for Laila. My list of things to make continues to grow. I'm hoping to make some fun photography "props" to use on some shoots. I'll make whatever you want me to and I am still doing my crafts, but focusing more on the photography right now.
I started the Mamarazzi Mommy and Me Group so all my local friend mom's (and whatever other mom's would like to join) can get together to enjoy time as a group with our little ones. Good for us mom's and the kiddos. Each month (maybe more) we meet up and enjoy eachother's company. Picnics in the park, Animals at the Zoo, Sand Castles on the beach...the kids will love it and us mom's will be able to have some adult conversation while our rugrats play. Anyone who wants to join, let me know!
At times my head can feel like it's going to explode. I just have so many ideas rumbling around and it can get a tad bit overwhelming. Sometimes I think I can do it all at once but realized I need to relax and take it one project at a time.