Looky, Looky...Laila had her big day today! She is officially one year old! We awoke her to singing "happy birthday to you". We celebrated with a little morning cupcake smash session. And of course I set up my own little "studio" (until we get the great Jaimee Ponce to take more pics!) and was behind my mamarazzi cam snapping away. Laila of course devoured the entire thing and barely gave me a second to put it down before she dove right into it. She loves her sweets! It was a fun day! It's hard to believe a year has flown by. It has been wonderful. We look forward to Sunday which is the big celebration with family and friends and yet another smach cake session! Many, many, many more pictures to come this year.
Laila still isn't walking or even standing on her own. She is almost there, but she has to hold on to something with like two fingers. She is saying a lot more now, and even copies what I say sometimes. Today I told her "it's your birthday" and she said "birthday"...it was clear as can be in her own little way. She has LOTS of teeth now and has her own little attitude. She is a riot! This next year is going to be great!