This month has flown by! We spent the last weekend in August enjoying the sun and remembering how great God is! On Saturday we met up with The George's at Honeymoon Island. It was extremely hot, but Laila got to get her feet wet and enjoy the sand with her buddy Aiden. It was her first beach experience and we had a blast! I can't believe how fast summer went and we are soon coming into fall. I'm hoping to get some more beachtime in before it gets any cooler. Then we will be able to enjoy the fall weather outside going to the zoo, the park, busch gardens (we need to use our passes again!), and the pier. The wonderful Florida humidity kills ya! and on Sunday, we celebrated Lianna's Baptism. Such a joyous day! I'll miss summer...but looking forward to opening the back door and windows to let in some fresh fall air.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
First Tooth!

Saturday, August 22, 2009
almost 7 months.
One more week and Laila will be another month old! She has changed the most this past month. She is extremely talkative. She seems to babble about dada all day while he is at work and now started a new thing...roaring like a dinosaur. What a hoot! She claps her hand, raises her arms, slightly waves, and bangs her hand on her thighs like she is playing the drums. She sat herself up in her crib yesterday and is trying so hard to move more then a couple inches to crawl. She holds her whole body up, but is still trying to figure out how to get further. I have been getting lots with our video camera. I forgot for a couple months to take any video, and now that there are so many new adventures everyday, I sit there just recording her every move or noise! I love it!
Looks like any day now teeth will be breaking through. I see white and feel hard lumps on her gums. Of course she is drooling up a river and cranky as can be. She loves when I rub some little teethers on her gums and sit there with my finger in her mouth. What an appetite she has too! She's eating everything she is aloud to eat. In about a month i'll start her on some of our food...cheerios! yum!
Looks like any day now teeth will be breaking through. I see white and feel hard lumps on her gums. Of course she is drooling up a river and cranky as can be. She loves when I rub some little teethers on her gums and sit there with my finger in her mouth. What an appetite she has too! She's eating everything she is aloud to eat. In about a month i'll start her on some of our food...cheerios! yum!
smile baby girl!
This past month has flown by. We had her 6 month shoot a couple weeks back. We always have such a blast with Jaimee. Laila had 3 wardrobe changes and many different locations to pose at. We look forward to our Christmas and Birthday photoshoot with her. Just a couple pics from our day with her. Didn't get as many smiles out of Laila. But I do believe little miss poshface is just practicing modeling for the camera. We love love love them!!!
::I love rock n' roll::
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I think we almost got a crawler on our hands. Laila is in the sit-up position than leans forward and puts herself on her tummy. She bends her back legs and pushes herself up, and is trying to inch forward. She gets aggravated and starts whining..."mmmm...mmmm", and kicks her legs out like she is trying to swim full frog mode. Too funny! Bring it on little one!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
babble baby.
Words are flowing out of Laila's mouth. Of course it's just the normal "mama", "dada". But she is saying it all the time. She even said "daddy" the other day. I always talk with her and tell her what she is eating and playing with. She turns her head now when I say her name and she knows which dog is which. I'm going to get some baby flashcards soon. I know were she gets her talkativeness from, her daddy! Keep on babbling baby girl!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
nursery additions.
A mother's job is never done. Expecially being a SAHM. I am constantly thinking of new things to do. It has taken me forever to get Laila's nursery complete, and I am still working on it. I'm in the market for a mirror and something for above the crib. But after many months of waiting for baby girl's blankie and shelves they are finally complete! Here is a peak of some of the new additions to Laila's room. Keep a look out for many other projects in the making!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
bye bye travel system.
Laila graduated to the big girl carseat today! I have been putting it off for weeks now, but finally decided to give it a whirl. Her travel system carseat goes up to 22 lbs. She still had a couple more pounds to go, but I felt like poor bubs was constantly sweating and not comfortable. Plus, It was a lot of work getting her in and out. Lugging around her close to 19 pound self, plus the weight of the carseat equals a full body work out. I will miss the convenience of it, but she loves her Britax! Laila long legs better not grow anymore though, her feet are already touching the back of the seat. Ok baby girl, time to slow down growing. It's happening all too fast.

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