We had such a fun-filled weekend. Saturday, Jason and I got to spend some alone time together while gramma and papou babysat. We decided to spend our day at International Mall and then having a nice relaxing dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. We found ourselves missing Laila so much. And still thinking it's hard to believe we have a daughter. We were talking about her the entire time. Planning our future trips around the world with her. It is still unreal to us that she is here and ours. When will it hit us?
On Sunday, Laila had her first boat ride out on Great Gramma Et and Guy's boat. It was the perfect day and the boat rocked her right to sleep the entire time. Being the paranoid mom I am, of course I was freaking out a little with being around the water and worrying about if something were to happen to the boat. Laila will definantly be a little beach bum...like her mama was. Once it get's nicer out we will be hitting up the beach and having mommy-daughter time.
Life is good and we have so much to look forward to and can't say it enough...we are so blessed.