We are only a little over 2 weeks away from the due date and I am 1 centimeter dilated. Laila still hasn't dropped all the way. She has got to be about 7 lbs already from what I have been keeping track of since the last sonogram. I thought for sure that she would be here earlier, but now I am thinking she is going to hold out until her due date. At this point, I am ready. I got all our bags packed besides the every day uses and her carseat is all buckled in the car. I am waiting on some online orders for her nursery to arrive. The closer we have gotten the more I haven't been stressing about her room. We will complete it when we feel like it. Right now I am just resting and sleeping while I can. How much more lazy can I get? And now I have a cold from the weather changing everyday. I'm just thankful I am not working and have the chance to not do a thing if I didn't want to. To bad hubbie is so busy working, we could be engaged in those activities that bring on labor. I have been doing my squats and walking a lot so hopefully this will help also. For now, it's just a waiting game. We are just sitting around until our baby girl is ready to come into the world.
Oh! and we found out that Laila will have a little girl cousin to grow up with and be best friends! Only 4 months apart from eachother. How exciting!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
it's close.
As you may know my legs, ankles, and feet have been swollen these past couple weeks, which has been causing me lots of discomfort. This didn't stop me from going out shopping or doing things around the house. I think I overdid it and really wore my body out. Jason and my family have been so helpful with this. They make me go lay down or kick my feet up to reduce the swelling. Everytime I go to help with anything or stand up they tell me to go sit down.
This Christmas we were so fortunate with the many gifts we got. Laila once again made out like a bandit and she hasn't arrived yet. We feel so lucky to have our family. They help us out with so much. My mommy is coming over tomorrow to literally tear the house apart and clean top to bottom so I don't have to be on my feet. I want everything disinfected before Laila arrives. Jason's mom is constantly sending over food for us. Anything we need our family would drop everything.
This stage of pregnancy is very difficult and I feel worthless. I am not sleeping throughout the night (I can barely roll over without wanting to cry), my stomach seems to constantly be upset, my back kills, I'm breaking out like crazy and its making me feel so disgusting...oh and did I mention I have kankles? Every day that passes you wonder if your going to go into labor. I have one little cramp and I say "is this it?" Any moan of discomfort I make or "owe" sound, hubbie says "are you ok?" He is so good to me, if I want pickles and ice cream (which no I have not craved at all...well not together anyways), he would go and get it. Everything is coming into play now. This too shall pass, and Laila will be here. Then I get to deal with all new experiences...breast engorgement, feedings every 2 hours...I'm looking forward to it, no matter how nervous or scared I am. Life is a blessing, and we are so fortunate. I can't say it enough.
This Christmas we were so fortunate with the many gifts we got. Laila once again made out like a bandit and she hasn't arrived yet. We feel so lucky to have our family. They help us out with so much. My mommy is coming over tomorrow to literally tear the house apart and clean top to bottom so I don't have to be on my feet. I want everything disinfected before Laila arrives. Jason's mom is constantly sending over food for us. Anything we need our family would drop everything.
This stage of pregnancy is very difficult and I feel worthless. I am not sleeping throughout the night (I can barely roll over without wanting to cry), my stomach seems to constantly be upset, my back kills, I'm breaking out like crazy and its making me feel so disgusting...oh and did I mention I have kankles? Every day that passes you wonder if your going to go into labor. I have one little cramp and I say "is this it?" Any moan of discomfort I make or "owe" sound, hubbie says "are you ok?" He is so good to me, if I want pickles and ice cream (which no I have not craved at all...well not together anyways), he would go and get it. Everything is coming into play now. This too shall pass, and Laila will be here. Then I get to deal with all new experiences...breast engorgement, feedings every 2 hours...I'm looking forward to it, no matter how nervous or scared I am. Life is a blessing, and we are so fortunate. I can't say it enough.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
my christmas hams.
I think out of all the inconvenient things of pregnancy, this is by far one of the most. Yea, the belly gets in the way at this stage, but my feet and ankles feel like they are going to pop. I have so much fluid that I can barely walk for long amounts of time. Any chance I get they are raised (even when we are out to dinner...some manners huh?) All I have to say is how do these obese people do it? I never thought my footsies would swell...it's not so attractive and I'm used to my long, little skinny chicken legs. Aw well...soon enough my body will be back to normal and done doing these nasty changes. Now that Christmas is right around the corner (which by the way remind me to plan better on not being this pregnant around the holidays), I will have a chance to kick back with my feet up. Take little breaks here and there to get things done around the nest. I'm really not in a panic anymore (just got a little nerves)...things will get done. Even if she comes before they do, we have such wonderful friends and family to help us. No worries from this soon to be mama. I'm at the point were I just want her out of the womb and home with us.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Laila is starting to pop on through. I am a fingertip dilated. Dr. Marks was able to feel her head. This was my first cervix check and it's not fun. The doc asked all my concerns...and of course I told him how I am now getting nervous. He is concerned with her being in the 70th percentile that I might not be able to push her out considering how "tiny" I am down there (like you really needed to know that, but when your pregnant you seem to be a little more open with things). This doesn't nessicarily mean I will need to have a c-section, but I think he was kind of preparing me for if I do. He said we will see how everything goes, but I am doing just fine. To bring on labor I need to walk around more and have lots of sex to soften the cervix (no complaints from the hubbie galary). This could help the labor come naturally which is what I would prefer, but if having a c-section is what will have to happen then that's what will have to be done. I do know that an epi will be for me. I feel like I am whining over the pain I am going through now. She will come when she is ready. It's all out of my control and in God's hands. We just want her here healthy. Miss Laila is still hanging in there for a couple weeks though.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
one month from today.
Laila should be here in one month. My premonition is it is going to be a little sooner. She feels extremely heavy and she is now starting to drop. I will find out at my doctor's appointment on Thursday if I am dilated at all. I cannot believe how close we are to seeing our little bundle of joy. I am now officially done with work and am able to get so much done to prepare for her arrival (even though my laziness gets in the way a lot of the time.) Hub and I get more and more anxious the closer it gets. We are just ready to have her here and start making memories with our precious daughter.

Monday, December 8, 2008

I love our new camera! Like I needed a new one since hub bought me my snazzy pink one two years ago, but we went to International Mall to stop by the sony store to figure out why my camera was giving me problems (probably because I dropped it a couple times). They tried looking at it and they said there was nothing they could do unless I wanted to send it in and spend money. So instead hubbie wanted to look at some new ones. He knew I wasn't happy with the way it was taking pictures, and I was concerned since I will be taking a million of them when Laila is here. Jason found me wondering to the huge hightech photography cams...no way was that happening. So we decided on the newest Sony HD, super steady, cybershot, titanium coating...haha...like I care about all that...just let it take amazing pictures. No special color this time...for some reason I got sick of the pink, so the standard titanium color worked for me. But it is amazing the purty colors they have out now for cameras. I am a picture crazed maniac, so I am sooo excited to use it and get some great pictures! You bet you will be seeing a lot of them within the next couple months.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
ehhh. pain, pain go away.
I am so uncomfortable I can barely take it. I can't sit for a long amount of time without feeling bad pains in my sides, back, and right below my milk jugs. When I drive I sit there squirming. All I want to do is stretch out. She seems to be hanging out in my ribs causing me so much discomfort. I feel better when I am walking around but I need to keep my feet up more because they are turning into christmas hams! I don't have much of an appetite because I constantly feel like I am going to explode. I run out of breath so easily. I just want her to drop so I can finally be able to have a conversation without feeling like I am having an asthma attack. There is no way for me to get into a comfortable position in bed. And if by chance I do I have to roll myself out of bed in the middle of the night to use the bathroom a hundred times. I need to start sleeping in the bathtub...the pain goes away when I am sitting in a nice warm bath. Plus I will be a lot closer to the toilet.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
laila time.
It seems the closer we get to the big day the busier and more lazy I feel.
Yesterday we got to have some fun with our photographer Jaimee Ponce. She captured some beautiful pictures of us and my belly bump. We had such a great time being all silly together! Our pictures will be up soon for everyone to view. In a couple months we get to do it all over again...but this time as a family with our little Laila. yay!
After all the excitement from our shoot and having a yummy dinner with my pookie, we went home to cuddle in bed and watch a movie. I laid there all relaxed and comfortable, when all of a sudden I felt so nauseous, crampy, and my tummy was hardening. It was excruciating pain. No...not going into labor yet, just having those fun Braxton Hicks contractions. I am starting to get a lot more of them now that I am getting closer. I keep telling myself to suck it up...this isn't even the worse of it. The pain comes from out of no where. Let's just hope that my water breaks naturally, so I know...ok this is the real deal. It's Laila time!
I met with the anesthesiologist this morning before my doctor's appointment. Everything is all set just in case I decide that I can't handle the pain. Somehow...the epi looks more painful then anything else. I won't be able to get out of bed or do anything once they do it. I even would have to have a catheder in. eeek...try telling someone this who has never been admitted into a hospital. But we will see...I can barely handle the pain I have been going through lately...so I'm sure I will be screaming out "give me drugs!" I keep telling myself i'm going to have an easy labor...even with Laila being a little over the normal percentile. The little chunkamunk will all be worth it. No more easy stuff after you hit the 34 week mark. Doctor's appointment's aren't just to check your weight, bp, and baby's heartbeat...it's now the joys of checking your cervix to see how dialted you are. Oh the joys of pregnancy, but somehow I know I'm going to miss feeling her kicking and being so close to me when she comes.
Oh...best of all! One more week of work left! Thank goodness considering I still have so much to prep for her arrival. My laziness lately has caused me to get nothing done!
Yesterday we got to have some fun with our photographer Jaimee Ponce. She captured some beautiful pictures of us and my belly bump. We had such a great time being all silly together! Our pictures will be up soon for everyone to view. In a couple months we get to do it all over again...but this time as a family with our little Laila. yay!
After all the excitement from our shoot and having a yummy dinner with my pookie, we went home to cuddle in bed and watch a movie. I laid there all relaxed and comfortable, when all of a sudden I felt so nauseous, crampy, and my tummy was hardening. It was excruciating pain. No...not going into labor yet, just having those fun Braxton Hicks contractions. I am starting to get a lot more of them now that I am getting closer. I keep telling myself to suck it up...this isn't even the worse of it. The pain comes from out of no where. Let's just hope that my water breaks naturally, so I know...ok this is the real deal. It's Laila time!
I met with the anesthesiologist this morning before my doctor's appointment. Everything is all set just in case I decide that I can't handle the pain. Somehow...the epi looks more painful then anything else. I won't be able to get out of bed or do anything once they do it. I even would have to have a catheder in. eeek...try telling someone this who has never been admitted into a hospital. But we will see...I can barely handle the pain I have been going through lately...so I'm sure I will be screaming out "give me drugs!" I keep telling myself i'm going to have an easy labor...even with Laila being a little over the normal percentile. The little chunkamunk will all be worth it. No more easy stuff after you hit the 34 week mark. Doctor's appointment's aren't just to check your weight, bp, and baby's heartbeat...it's now the joys of checking your cervix to see how dialted you are. Oh the joys of pregnancy, but somehow I know I'm going to miss feeling her kicking and being so close to me when she comes.
Oh...best of all! One more week of work left! Thank goodness considering I still have so much to prep for her arrival. My laziness lately has caused me to get nothing done!
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